Frage wegen flugangst?

Hallo zusammen,

Ich wollte euch mal fragen ob einer sich mit flugangst auskennt und mir vielleicht helfen könnte?

Ich hatte flugangst sehr lange und jetzt überlege ich mir das ich wieder fliegen will was wäre da am besten ein Linien Flug oder ein rundflug um es auszuprobieren?


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3 years ago

It would be best to take a big plane. This is much more stable and calmer. You should also sit in front as far as possible. Then you hardly notice the air holes or not at all

Put value on a near-dead experience, then a small Beachcraft

3 years ago
Reply to  SirAndiusNr2

Aerial holes, yes, the fairy tale also lasts forever. Why don’t you tell me about the bad storm witches so that the fearsome man can go even more?

3 years ago
Reply to  Meliora

Air holeis the name for the short-term change in height of aAircraftwhen flying throughPenalties,Thermik,Clear air turbulenceorLee waves.

Yes so it is called, although it is not right. What’s your problem now?

3 years ago

Definitely a scheduled flight. There you have trained staff that is there for your safety. It runs all ordered, the flight is quieter and you can really feel safe.

3 years ago
Reply to  WerFragtnDitte

Completely senseless answer, because the fear is independent of the airline and personnel of the low-cost aircraft is not well trained? All airlines operating in Europe must meet the high requirements of IATA, ICAO, EASA and LBA. With such factual equestrians one does not get on with irrational fears at all because the emotional world is to be addressed.

3 years ago
Reply to  Meliora

The service is better and the flight attendants are better off the problem. At turkish Airlines, even the pilot calmed down on me. The fire brigade had brought a container out of the plane with a big bid. After that I saw how to fix the airplane with adhesive tape, of course, I was very worried.

At Ryan Air, the olle said nothing will happen.

This is a huge difference

3 years ago

Or you can explain it on site

3 years ago

After that I saw how to fix the airplane with adhesive tape, of course, I was very worried.

Yes, if you think the normal tape is in structural parts of the plane, it could be disturbing.

Fortunately, this is easy to fix by simply using Google and e.g. something find.

3 years ago

Question: Lines flight or round flight to trust again

Answer: line because safer.

What’s pointless now?

3 years ago

It would be best to go into professional hands as you do with all phobias.

If you’re really interested, I’m surprised that you’ve never gogled after the term “flight fear,” because then countless help offers open. I would highly recommend a seminar for relaxed flying, because it is working on the fears where they arise.

3 years ago
Reply to  Timerp

One who also makes sense because he brings you to a destination that you would like to visit and not just to fly through world history without meaning.