Frage tv spot?
Hallo wollte fragen wäre cool wenn es mal auf 4k uhd bluray den stephen king es von 1990 mal geben würde komplett ungekürzt weil bei steht das die dvd und bluray Fassung gekürzt sind das nervt mich voll und ich hasse es wenn der film gekürzt ist weil im TV auf kabel 1 ist der 1 und 2 teil komplett uncut
here is the summary of the versions:
The First Film by Stephen Kings Horrorroman “It” dates back to 1990 and was produced for US television. Director led TV-Routinier Tommy Lee Wallace (The Twilight Zone, Halloween III). Accordingly, the film builds less on bloody violent peaks, because of the tensioned atmosphere and the shiny play of Tim Curry in the role of the clown Pennywise. In fact, it is mainly due to Curry that Stephen Kings a whole generation of spectators brought Coulrophobia.
The version of the first filming at the US station ABC on 18. November 1990 premiere, consisted of two parts. This version was also published on the first U.S. VHS and Laserdisc. At the same time, Warner made a one-film version that was released on video abroad in 1991 (and later also appeared in the USA). This version was later also published on DVD (croppt on 16:9) and on Blu-ray (in the original 4:3 format) worldwide. However, the original two-parter is difficult to find: occasionally it is broadcast in the US or UK TV.
The difference between the two versions is a short extension of the first part (and the associated credits) and a fairly large extension from the beginning of the second part. In the short version you miss the arrival of Bill in Derry, including some quite beautiful scenes.
By the way: in Germany the short video version was first synchronized and published in March 1991. The two-parter was broadcast in SAT.1 only in July 1993. The German TV version is a curiosity: it is based on the shorter video version, which was provided with outro/intro credits subsequently inserted by the transmitter at the corresponding separation point. The scenes from the U.S. branch were never seen in Germany.
The one-film version (represented by the Blu-Ray of Warner) is compared with the US TV two-parter (represented by the US laser disc). Times are held in NTSC.
The TV version has 4 extended and 6 new scenes. The Blu-ray version has an extended scene (through the longer span). (Source: schnittberichte)
You can find the scenes here: