Frage Türen Züge?

Hallo Leute ich sehe oft im zug Das die tür Zum Lokführer nur eine Glas scheibe ist aber ich frage mich wie sicher das ist weil es kann passieren das ein passagier ausrastet und versucht die tür aufzubrechen Und dann Die Kontrolle hat Also wie sicher sind die Zugtüren im notfall welche sicherheitsvorkehrungen haben Züge damit im notfall auch was getan werden kann weil man wird ja nicht durchsucht man kann einfach waffen mitnehmen Und dann im zug benutzen um diese glas tür aufzubrechen Wenn es kein Panzerglas Ist also wie ist das sicherheitssystem Im Modernen ICE

Mich interessiert es weil ich auch Lokführer bei der DB Werden will im Personenverkehr und wenn ich darüber nachdenke das es aggresive Passagiere gibt wäre es gut zu wissen ob die türen auch sicher sind

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8 months ago

Spontan aggressive people are almost exclusively not particularly armed. Jeman(n)d who snaps out, will probably be stopped for a time by this door.

And then it comes to the train type: In ICE or long-distance traffic, a train team can always be called on board. This would at least contain the attack if it could not stop. In regio and local traffic, the next stop and a moving police team are not far.

If a person nevertheless gains access to the driving pinion, the track is simply the safest, conceivable system. It cannot simply be driven off because the corresponding signaling would be prevented (up to the forced braking) and a:e. (drive vehicle driver:in) could trigger an emergency signal before the door breaks open.

In total, just a double stupid idea to take a train.

8 months ago
Reply to  Floxiiii

Well, I don’t know.

Already the steam locomotives had a train lock on the main tracks long before the bus was hung!

8 months ago
Reply to  Floxiiii

Please read PZB, LZB and ETCS-L2. In particular, with the last two, but also with PZB, the train safety would go.

8 months ago
Reply to  Floxiiii

He doesn’t know how to deal with the PZB and is then brought to a standstill.

8 months ago
Reply to  Floxiiii

I even see more passenger cars than freight trains that drive without overhead. But there’s no need to deal with the train influencing systems. If you turn off the current at the overhead line, this usually affects a larger area, which is why you want to avoid it.


8 months ago
Reply to  Floxiiii

You want to become Tf, you give in? The power line is for the power supply, not for the train safety!

8 months ago

So how safe are the train doors in case of need

As long as the train travels, the outside doors are locked. In a standstill, you can open the doors by stamping on each door (sometimes behind glass, but in any case markedly)

which safety precautions have trains can also be done in case of need

For example, emergency brakes.

8 months ago

Either a passenger pulls the emergency brake and the train is forcedly braked or the truck driver initiates a forced braking. It helps the passenger the gun nix and because everyone is considering that nobody will do that.