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1 year ago

The market of old things from the NS period has been incredibly large for decades. The interest and the collectors incredibly large, especially outside of Germany, because no one needs to hide the stuff.

Orders are so well reconstructed that they can only distinguish experts and Wolfgang Beltracci has ever known to undermine experts and museums of false masterpieces…There have been so many art experts terribly embarrassed.

If the autograph is so inexpensive that you would also buy it without crying if the signature wasn’t real, I would buy it. Otherwise not.

1 year ago

On the one hand, it has already been written, the signature does not really look after 110 years.

Next… “at that time” “autograms” were not really common, it actually doesn’t make any sense to sign “his picture”, at least not “this”!

Interesting would be a well-resolved scan from the picture! Looks for an enlarged copy of a picture (strongly pixelated) but… to be able to judge clearly, the pictures are not good enough;/

The signature… either he was drunk or he didn’t sign it! These 2 ways I can see everything else would be Swedish for beginners;/

1 year ago
Reply to  KingD07x

You can also see “nix disturbing” whatever that means. The resolution is too bad and the image is unsuitable to make a safe judgment.

1 year ago

It’s difficult. The picture stems from the First World War and that are about 108 years . For this time, the signature looks more than good, which gives rise to doubt. Even under mustum glass. In the past, there were only fillers that grow gray with time. Watch carefully with magnifying whether the lines overlap, the color (printing) is different. You’re on the Internet.

1 year ago
Reply to  KingD07x

Ink becomes gräulich at different places at least in older inks species. It is especially protected e.g. Musseumsglas.

1 year ago

Experts will find few here. There are various pages that collect the market prices of autographs.

I wouldn’t appreciate it too much. maximum double-digit (between 10 and 100 €). In the past, a lot of families, for example, have been given the chance to find a map for fallen, etc.

1 year ago
Reply to  KingD07x

Dönitz costs approx. 150-200 €, can be.

1 year ago

Go ahead.