Frage Faust Monolog Schreiben?

ich muss für Deutsch einen Inneren Monolog schreiben aus dem Buch Johann Wolfgang Goethe Faust die Szene Nacht.Ich muss aus der Sicht von Faust schreiben könnte mir jemand einen Bsp Text schreiben damit ich wenigstens genau weiß wie ich es machen könnte ?

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2 years ago

You have to realize what Faust has experienced in the scene. Then you need to look for a place where it makes sense to install such a monologue. This is usually the easiest, right after the event, so in this case after the scene.

Ddann just sit in the situation of Faust and get out what comes to him with thoughts and feelings.

2 years ago
Reply to  Privat530

You only repeat what Faust himself says in the first 20 or 30 lines of his monologue. You have to get an overview of what’s happening in the scene as a whole. Then you need a point that makes him write a monologue. A typical initial set for such a monologue is:


I can’t believe, what did the guy want from me? Do you want me to trust you or not? This doesn’t relate to the V scene now, but it might encourage you to march in the right direction.


2 years ago

Nice to meet you

2 years ago

Look at this, I’m sure you’ll notice something;-)


Night (354-807)

  1. Faust’s complaint about the limits of his knowledge. His goal, “that I recognize what the world / in the innermost holds together” (382)
  2. Faust turns to the magic (the work of the Nostradamus) and asks himself, suggesting: “I am a god? I’m getting so light! / I look in these pure trains / The acting nature is in front of my soul.” (439ff)
  3. He must realize in the encounter with the spirit of the earth that he cannot withstand him and hear him as a hard truth: “You are equal to the spirit you understand, not me!” (512ff)
  4. Talk with his helper Wagner, which further strengthens Faust’s despair. The special thing about Faust becomes clear when he introduces Wagner: “If you don’t feel it, you won’t hunt it.” (534)
  5. He wants to poison himself and shows an almost romantic determination: “A new day lures to new shores.”(701) and is ready to “define itself, / And would it be with danger to flow into nothing.” (719)
  6. but is brought back to life through the Easter bells: however, it is not faith (765), but the “earning” (781) to childhood, which holds him “from the last, serious step back” (782): “The tears swell, the earth has me again!” (784)


2 years ago

Just write down what Faust is experiencing in the scene, and then you come in the monologue.