Frage bezüglich ebay betrug?


Ich wollte erstmalig ein Ticket über ebay kaufen. Habe auch Anzeige online gestellt , dass ich ein Ticket suche. Nun hat mich eine person angeschrieben das er ein Ticket hat. Was micht nur gewundert hat , ist das diese Person selbst keine Anzeige hat , also das er ein Ticket zu verkaufen hat. Ist das ein normales Verhalten das andere Leute anschreiben und sagen das sie ein Ticket haben.

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1 month ago

You mean classified and not Ebay.

Before some create ads themselves to sell their ticket, see if others are looking for a ticket and what they offer to pay.

Maybe you find where this fits and you save yourself the work with the ad and also with the selection with the potential buyers and then wait that the pays and you send it or a meeting is agreed etc.

1 month ago

I wanted to buy a ticket for the first time via ebay. Have also posted online that I’m looking for a ticket.

Since when can you switch to ebay?

What surprised me is that this person himself has no ad, so that he has a ticket to sell. Is that a normal behavior that other people write and say they have a ticket

Maybe it’s too annoying with the ad? No matter where you turn ads, there’s a lot of “What last price?”

1 month ago

Maybe he just wanted to write an ad himself, then saw yours and offered it directly to you. This saves himself the work for the ad.

1 month ago

For me, this is not a normal behavior and is therefore very skeptical.

He probably wants to sell past eBay; You wouldn’t have a buyer protection.

You have no information about this seller.

1 month ago

At ebay, no search ads can be displayed.