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2 months ago


The classic programmer is hardly available anyway. This is why the rough profession is also called software developers because 80%+ of the profession has nothing to do with the actual programming. A lot more is about finding out what the customer actually wants and adhering to corresponding specifications.

Also, most people have a wrong idea of an AI. An AI is not creative or can think independently. All she knows is based on her training data. This means that they will be able to spit out functions that have already been done and can possibly even adapt to the corresponding needs, but what they can’t do is create new code independently.

And since many software solutions are very special and geared to the special needs of the customer, AI will, as in almost all other areas, be only a supporting tool, but can never completely replace all.

What goes away are some of the jobs, many of which have already been transferred abroad anyway. The programmer in India costs only a fraction of what one costs in Germany and can often do the code sufficiently well according to requirements.

I am therefore less concerned that AI will provide for great unemployment.


2 months ago

This means that they will be able to spit out functions that have already been done and can possibly even adapt to the corresponding needs, but what they can’t do is create new code independently.

I wouldn’t sign that. At least not general.
In the field of medicine/chemistry/biology, AI models are used to find new chemical compounds. For example, to finally make new drugs.

An AI was also known in that it has found connections between fingerprints of different fingers, which was previously considered completely impossible.

That an AI (generally) can create nothing new is a false assumption.

2 months ago
Reply to  apophis

In the field of medicine/chemistry/biology, AI models are used to find new chemical compounds.

Without negative side taste, so do not take personally: But this is misinterpreted half knowledge to be honest. Although it is used for this, it follows predetermined parameters. So what she does and that is also what an AI is so superior: It finds patterns based on probabilities.

Imagine: You have a million pairs of shoes and corresponding laces. In the example mentioned, the AI would be able to select corresponding parameters and training data, which laces best fit to which pair of shoes. For a person, this would be an almost impossible task, because of the sheer mass of shoes and laces. How should everyone be able to impress and then make a decision based on it? That would be a life task!

On the other hand, to create an AI in a foreseeable time frame! And even if you could train the AI with all the shoes, and because of this you could create shoes that would make senseless (optical, but also of wearing comfort, physical sensuality (1m high heels with 2 cm floor surface or something), etc), then she could never create something that was not yet!

And the same is with code. It can safely try to link code examples that occur in their training data to meet the requirements. But it could not create a viable program based on requirements that do not occur in their training data. Behind everything a AI spits out, there is a human experience in the core IMMER!

That an AI (generally) can create nothing new is a false assumption.

Therefore, no, an AI can create nothing for which there is no relation to a human achievement.


2 months ago

That was not a personal attack, nor did I get the arguments.

So you want to say seriously Your statement about “I live in a science fiction world” and “would not be used for jobs in business consulting” not personally referred to me, but purely to the subject?

Who do you want to get out of here, yourself?…

I just accepted that it makes little sense to use my time on it, because either you want or you can’t understand it.

Well, I’ve asked several times for explanations, but unfortunately nothing comes from you except non-themed examples and any allegations about things that were never subject.

How do you define “creativity”?
You made such a big deal and I hardly ask, you ignore it completely.
Quite honestly, on this platform you typically know about trolls.

You are teaching-resistant

How about “I’m not going to be personal”? …

As predicted, next thing is towards insult. Sad.

I don’t even have any interest in reading your answer, so please excuse me not coming out over line two.

And yet you still have enough interest to write such a long answer, exactly.

Is also a typical behavior of corresponding users who start the arguments -> “You simply don’t understand or don’t want to understand it. I don’t like it anymore and I don’t care.”
However, answers continue to be hard, as with you.

Wouldn’t be surprised if you couldn’t stop answering, even though everything doesn’t matter to you. Just to continue with your personal attacks.

I advise you: Learn about a topic before you answer. Undzwar was about the current state and not that of 10 or 20 years ago.
Then you don’t have to go around with users who will correct you.
And we others in this forum have to deal with less false information.

2 months ago

Ahja, typical. Hardly the arguments go out, you take personal attacks.

That was not a personal attack, nor did I get the arguments. I just accepted that it makes little sense to use my time on it, because either you want or you can’t understand it.

The one person applaud when a dog sits and thinks him as a clever genius, the others have understood what really is going on in the dog’s head.

You’re resistant to teaching, but I don’t care. I don’t even have any interest in reading your answer, so please excuse me not coming out over line two.

All right.

2 months ago

But I give it up. If you want to live in your science fiction world, do that. But hopefully you don’t work in any form of consulting. That could be embarrassing for you!

Ahja, typical. Hardly the arguments go out, you take personal attacks.
People like you are here on again and again. They claim nonsense, are corrected, remember that their arguments are refuted and will be personally distracted.
Usually, this is followed quickly by insults and then correspondingly deleted comments and blocked accounts.
I hope for you that you have at least so much self-control not to go this step too.

Take the smartphone:
An AI wouldn’t have done that!

An adventurous assertion you’re making. Do you have any evidence for it? Or any evidence or evidence?

Have you fed an AI with the information of radio technology, mobile phones, computers and touchscreen and watched what it does?

I mean, that’s what you should assume when you say that a AI would never have done it.
Otherwise, that would be nothing more than an empty allegation without any basis.
Even more unbelievable than the claims of flat eagles and consorts.

But you should be smart enough not to argue in such a banal and embarrassing way, right?
Therefore, please call me your evidence of your assertion that I am interested in.

Oh, what about your definition of “creativity”?
In your last comment, you suddenly started with the fact that AIs can’t be creative, and you’ve been on it several times.
How do you define “creativity”? And what makes people and AI different in the subject?
I’m looking forward to your answer.

2 months ago

Oh, yes, that’s really good for an AI.

No, she can’t!

But I give it up. If you want to live in your science fiction world, do that. But hopefully you don’t work in any form of consulting. That could be embarrassing for you!

So your definition of “something new” is “something that should not be in the field of the learned”.

My definition of something new is that one connects knowledge to create something that has not yet existed. Take the smartphone:

  • We had radiotechnology / cell phones
  • We had computers
  • We had touchscreens

But until then no one had come up with the idea of combining these 3 things to invent a handy and easy-to-use pocket computer that can be used to make calls.

An AI wouldn’t have done that!

2 months ago

No! Again wrong!

It does not develop new patterns

  1. There’s nothing wrong with that.
  2. Anybody ever wrote anything about developing new patterns.

You seem to be very happy to think of new scenarios/ circumstances or adapt them as you like so that they can fit your arguments, huh?
Sorry, but that doesn’t work. :

Example lie detector: A lie detector can’t really tell you if a person says the truth or lies.

A lie detector has nothing to do with AI…
Topic missed. 6 Sit!

There’s nothing wrong with this statement.

The statement everything wrong.

She can’t be creative!

And again you think of something that you can shout “This is not so!!111”.

Again: Creativity never lost a word here. Your argument is totally insane.

However, since you are already doing this barrel: please define “creativity” and explain why an AI cannot be creative. :

You can’t feed them with hundreds of construction plans of a coffee machine and expect them to plan a working Frozen Yogurt machine on request.

And no one has said that again.
You really like to think out claims against which you can argue yourself…

And surprise: A person you only taught the construction of coffee machines will not be able to build a Frozen Yogurt machine.
Only so by the way.

And that’s exactly what I mean when I say

It cannot be creative and create something new independently!

So your definition of “something new” is “something that should not be in the field of the learned”.

No? Okay, simple example: Your AI is trained with hundreds of construction plans for coffee machines. Based on this data, it now develops a coffee machine that consumes very little electricity and takes the maximum out of a coffee bean.
Result: A new Coffee machine.

My example with the AI, which has already found new connections between fingerprints in reality, has already made it clear.

Your example is so inappropriate as it does not develop a new active ingredient.

Um… please read the subject.
Yes, it they are new active ingredients developed. That’s the point.

But it doesn’t make it any more than slider work. It calculates the probability based on the specified parameters. With particularly favorable probabilities, it then spits out a result.

Sorry, but with the statement you only show that your knowledge about AI is very outdated. Or very gaping.

I say that an AI is not creative or can independently create something that has not yet been done.

And with that – at least with the latter – you are simply wrong.
This proves that reality is already too dozens.

As far as creativity is concerned, I have never spoken of it, as I said.
But, as already said, you can explain to me how “creativity” is defined and what exactly the difference between man and AI is.
I could tell you a lot about the opposite. :

There can be no code whose functionalities are nowhere in their training data.

Oh, yes, that’s really good for an AI.
With this statement, I believe that you actually think that an AI merely “collects and reuses” her training data to generate something. What my above assumption only strengthens -> Your knowledge about AI is strongly outdated or incomplete.

Because it cannot logically adapt!

That’s exactly what AIs are designed for today…

2 months ago

And what kind of pattern does she find? New patterns.

No! Again wrong!

It does not develop new patterns, it finds deviations based on probabilities of patterns depending on the training data. And then, of course, the whole thing can also be pulled differently, that it can compare an input pattern with previous patterns and indicates the degree of match.

Therefore, it is also so good in medical image analysis. Their smallest deviations occur, which even very experienced doctors escape and can thus already detect cancer in the early stage with the correct training data, while a doctor still sees nothing.

Example lie detector: A lie detector can’t really tell you if a person says the truth or lies. What makes it to indicate that the physical data of the person, such as blood pressure, pulse, skin moisture, etc., have significantly deviated from the data that it had before in control questions. These are reactions of nervousness which could be seen as a lie.

But I actually thought that example with the shoes and laces was suitable enough for your example of drug development.

Apart from the falsehood of this statement: no one claims and was never my statement.

There’s nothing wrong with this statement. She can’t be creative! If you feed an AI with millions of construction plans of machines, you can of course try to build a new machine from the information pool, and if you have almost inhumane luck, it even plans one that works!

But she won’t plan a better alternative to a gear because he thinks a gear would no longer be up to date. She won’t be able to create a new machine. At best any collapsing bunch of components to doubt their sensuality.

You can’t feed them with hundreds of construction plans of a coffee machine and expect them to plan a working Frozen Yogurt machine on request.

And that’s exactly what I mean when I say

It cannot be creative and create something new independently!

Your example is so inappropriate as it does not develop a new active ingredient. In the context it is simply not much more than a computer simulation that shows potentially valuable chemical compounds in the context.

But it doesn’t make it any more than slider work. It calculates the probability based on the specified parameters. With particularly favorable probabilities, it then spits out a result.

This is the hard work that people are often unable to do, because of the sheer mass of information! But an AI calculates very quickly thanks to the hardware, does not tire and does not make any volatility errors.

And on? That was also not my statement.

What you say is ultimately “in everything that makes an AI, man is involved.” Of course he is! Man has finally developed these AIs!…

I think you can’t understand! I say that an AI is not creative or can independently create something that has not yet been done. There can be no code whose functionalities are nowhere in their training data. Because it cannot logically adapt!

2 months ago

It finds patterns based on probabilities.

And what kind of pattern does she find? New patterns.

Therefore, no, an AI can create nothing for which there is no relation to a human achievement.

Apart from the falsehood of this statement: no one claims and was never my statement.

Behind everything a AI spits out, there is a human experience in the core IMMER!

And on? That was also not my statement.

What you say is ultimately “in everything that makes an AI, man is involved.” Of course he is! Man has finally developed these AIs!…

Place an AI with camera and wheels and let them roller and train through the area. Tadaa already have the training data no longer related to “experiences of a person”.

2 months ago

are you following the development with AI?

Condition. I’m looking at new results, but don’t go into matter.
I did this for my bachelor’s thesis, it’s interesting in any case, but since I have nothing to do with AI development, I prefer to focus on other areas.

Do you think this one day could replace your job?

No piece.
Especially in IT, AI is generally seen as a tool and not as a substitute. AI will not replace the software developer as much as the online search did.

They used to write everything completely alone.
Then there were libraries and frameworks that took a large part of the work.
Then came the Internet, Google and some forums/pages that provided code and wrote instructions.
Kisses like ChatGPT are just a next step on this staircase. You use the AI to create codesnippets, check it for mistakes, optimize it or to give you ideas; the whole thing was done by Google before.

And even if someone in the future develops an AI that can take over all the tasks of a software developer, then still people will need the 1st) that AI can operate professionally, they 2.) can adapt if necessary and 3. can check the outcome of the AI and, if necessary, adjust it.

Content management systems like WordPress are there – I think – a good example. With them, each layman can click together a website. No way to get in touch with code.
If you want to have it professionally and/or have special requirements/sweet, then you are looking for a web developer/designer.