Frage an Frauen – Könntet ihr euch vorstellen die Typische Hausfrau von Gestern zu sein wenn ihr eueren Mann liebt (Text unten)?

Die Typische Hausfrau von Gestern …Am Herd stehen …Mit Kindern spielen /Kümmern Bügeln Wäsche waschen etc …..

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2 years ago


The typical housewife of yesterday hasn’t been there for a long time. The times have changed, today almost all women are working and much more self-employed than at the time.

In the 60s it was even common that a woman had to ask her husband for permission when she wanted to go to work.

That’s why I can’t imagine being a typical housewife of the time.

Of course I would take care of the household and the children. But at some point, I’d go back to work hours.

If my partner could cook well, he’d like to take it off and over, I wouldn’t mind. 😅

1 year ago
Reply to  Sternchen700

you wouldn’t mind. But ask him to do this, wouldn’t you?

1 year ago
Reply to  Dahika

It depends. If we were both fully employed, he would of course have to do something in the household.

1 year ago
Reply to  Sternchen700

In the 60s it was even common that a woman had to ask her husband for permission when she wanted to go to work.

It wasn’t just usual, it was actually SEAT! My father would have forbid my mother’s work, and then, despite all her qualifications, she would no longer have worked DÜRFEN – that was GESETZ.

But my father would never have dared SOWAS because he knew that from then on my mother would HASSEN. He didn’t even disrespect or something, so that my mother was divorced at some point (at the time of the divorce it was already considered to be an o.K. when a marriage was “degenerated”.

My father was in no place!!!! With regard to a bad person, but if he had been more open to the needs of women, this marriage might have existed anyway. My mother really didn’t get divorced.

2 years ago

because DANN wouldn’t love me.

2 years ago
Reply to  Silo123

Why do you think that? I’m going out of the house at the latest at about 7:00 p.m., coming back at 7:00 p.m. I’m home and I’m doing the house and he loves me just like I do. 🤔

1 year ago
Reply to  mypetsandme


2 years ago
Reply to  mypetsandme

Well, do you get half of his pay or just money for food to cook him?

How to suppress women without money has no other choice

2 years ago
Reply to  mypetsandme

That was not my world And so far my husband should love me, that he sees that this is nothing for MICH.

1 year ago

Wow there has someone made bad experiences in love xD You don’t get insecure, keep your uncertainty once already yourself 🙂

1 year ago

The money is split. I still have my hobbies. In the meantime, we’re both going to work full-time again, but it was like that before. Rent, ancillary costs, food, drugstore, animals, etc. it must be paid. It is not just food;) Especially since we changed with cooking. But you will come to the age where you understand that life is more than just what Mom puts at lunch and you have in the fridge:)

2 years ago

If my husband pays me the same salary as I get it now, including pension funds, then we can talk about it.

2 years ago
Reply to  LePetitGateau

This should not be possible for most men, as there is no longer enough left for them.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kwalliteht

Then they have had bad luck and they have to do their homework themselves

2 years ago

Even if I could finance it: suggesting something like this to my wife would be a reason for divorce. And I live well with it.

1 year ago

I am not the target group u mentioned, but yes, I would do it if it were possible for health. Maybe I’d rather than work. In my world of thought there is also a farm that needs to be managed. I’d like to do that, too.

2 years ago

That’s why I live alone, I’d never change anything about it again.

1 year ago

No. First of all, I did not studySo it would be too boring. Cleaning, cooking and cinder would be too monotonous. I also want to use my brain and have my own success experiences. A chocolate cake isn’t part of it for me. Should I talk to other mothers about Erna and Hänschen on the playground? I’d be crazy.

clear, not all women have demanding jobs that make them fun, so such women might think as housewife I have better than sitting at the ALdi at the cashier, but then my point 2 comes

second, I’m realistic. Since about 50% of all marriages fail, it would be too dangerous to make me so dependent. You can still be so in love, still so much believe you have found the prince, but this is no guarantee!

It’s not been long since there was such a housewife in my office. She was 44, had taken care of man and the now 17 j son – and was then left by her husband, who had laughed at a younger. “I have done everything for him, sacrificed me, prepared him a beautiful life, and now that.” she said. ‘Yes,’ I thought, ‘the destructive housewives who sacrifice themselves so that he has beautiful, are usually not sexy. !

In her old profession of administrative staff, she no longer came in because she had no idea of the modern requirements. Your husband doesn’t have to pay her a living forever, because you expect her to care for herself. And now?

tja, stupid run.

2 years ago

He does the laundry, I clean it up. Cooking alternately/together.

If he’d expect that from me, I’d be gone.

2 years ago
Reply to  lena1815

I’ll cook together very nicely.

2 years ago

No way. I don’t want children, I’m not a servant and I want to be his partner, not his mommy.

2 years ago

Having had someone on my side who wanted to do this absolutely, told her I can do something too, she meant no because I couldn’t do it right or thorough or good then I just left it.

1 year ago

What does that have to do with love?

Love does not mean giving up for the partner.

2 years ago

I don’t adapt my life to love, but my love must fit into my life.

That is why I would never do what I do for 50 years 24/7 anyway, which I do not want to do with all my heart.

2 years ago

The one who works less automatically cares more about household.

In the case of parental protection, e.g.

2 years ago
Reply to  schneeflocke55

Well, when our first child came to the world, I was unemployed, my wife went back to work as soon as possible. So I did that. Where’s the problem?

2 years ago
Reply to  Kwalliteht

I’m not interested. And I don’t have a problem with that either.

2 years ago

Wouldn’t fulfill me forever

2 years ago

Whoever as a man is unable to wash his pants himself might need a housewife.

2 years ago

Anyway, he has to do something. I am not a cleaning woman

2 years ago

Oh, my God, I can’t start with a woman like that. I want a partner at eye level and no one dependent on me.


2 years ago

I’d laugh at three men pampering me, bringing money home and throwing the house.

2 years ago

My partner throws the house and I help her where it is.

2 years ago

Yes in any case I would do it if it is possible, of course, also with a side job. If no children are in the house, I can of course go to work but find a clear division in the house very good.

2 years ago

Not me, I’ll do it.

someone has to cook (at least if someone is there who also wants to eat)

Someone has to iron. I have today, 😣 because my men wear uniform.

They’re in full, I’m on early retirement….

P.S. Laundry washes the washing machine!!!!!!!!!

2 years ago
Reply to  MarSusMar

Cooking OK but ironing things for their job??? A woman manages even if she works full-time often even to iron 180-200 std for herself, the workflows as a shift guide. But men get nix because they work full time, listen to them doing everything. Your son then expects to serve his girlfriend later…( Or you mean your two partners, then it would be even worse, men aren’t working at all)

2 years ago
Reply to  FrauenMacht

Sounds like you’re only a lesbian because you have men downstairs.I don’t deaf more than any hetero lady. The two Junior AND GGs yesterday not only dried the weekly purchase while I still cuddled, but GG made the big wash off from the frying on the day before while I was ironing.

1 year ago

In my case, I must determine who will be our housewife 🏳️ 🌈

2 years ago

Women nowadays don’t just want to be in the kitchen anymore, they don’t want to do anything anymore

2 years ago

Right, it’s time of justice! For men will do what was done to women centuries, men’s oppression. We don’t want equality.

1 year ago
Reply to  FrauenMacht

Please let yourself be put in a closed psychiatry.

1 year ago

No, I don’t.

1 year ago

What does that have to do with love?

You can also love your partner when you work…

And no. I have not studied to be only housewife and dependent for my life

2 years ago

If the man deserves enough so that you can fly to vacation at least twice a year, then I am very happy to stay at home.

Why be so greedy, earn twice and take away work from a single person?

2 years ago
Reply to  ManuViernheim

Why let the man create and exploit? How would it be to stand on your own legs and get up for your own living? How do you become cliché-hard 4-receivers who also don’t want to work and get their lives financed by society?

2 years ago
Reply to  Johannax32

Because the time there is that you men for a few decades that will be done to us women. Men’s oppression, that’s called justice. Equality comes in a few thousand years. Just that’s fair!

2 years ago
Reply to  ManuViernheim

Right, then you can even afford a cleaning man…then I would stay home 😉

2 years ago

I don’t want to be financially dependent on a man for ever. Apart from that, I was not born as a cleaning woman. I swear, you can also clean with pimperl, it does not fall off and handle technical equipment (washing machine, dishwasher, iron…. is anyway men’s thing;)

1 year ago
Reply to  vogerlsalat

What’s Pimperl?

1 year ago


1 year ago


1 year ago

Now you have caused me head cinema 😄 to brush with the penis

2 years ago

The new world order is there, that is, their men serve women. You no longer have rights!

1 year ago
Reply to  FrauenMacht

That’s what it is.

2 years ago

Who defines what a typical Housewife?

2 years ago

He should also help in the household 🥲

2 years ago
Reply to  Scones08

No, not help. This means that it is basically a matter of women, in which it only helps but does not take responsibility for itself.Have you ever heard that a woman is “helping” in the household?

Household is divided without discussion.

2 years ago

Just such a life would be for me the absolute horror

2 years ago

I like it. The man takes the money home, and I’ll do the rest with household and children and work a little bit next door.


2 years ago
Reply to  Therapeutic

Dreamy 😅

2 years ago
Reply to  ProB4sher


2 years ago
Reply to  Therapeutic

Don’t you think it’s shameless to let your husband build for your maintenance and take it out? How do you get to the cliché doctor 4-receivers?

Will your children have more than just a roof over your head and eat something?

2 years ago
Reply to  Johannax32

Is the woman supposed to work full time, raise the children and make the household? If you stay at home as a woman, that’s what the guy has to give me half his pay if he doesn’t get in the house or raises kids!!

2 years ago
Reply to  Johannax32

Very typical. In the profile “Insults are not tolerated…” there are some things to my head. If you don’t agree to my answer and have what to put in place – but then kind and respectful.

Until you get from work, let’s say at 12/11.30 a.m., you cooked it, cleaned it up and done other work (e.g. shopping) it’s also time to pick up the children from school and/or kindergarten. Once you’ve done that, the man is already home. Until you eat, then clean up again, homework at school children, small business with children is also the same as at lunch, eat and clean up again. Children bathe and possibly arrange things for the next day. Now it’s time to sleep again.

If you can do anything without neglecting one thing and working full-time, nice. Most women don’t, and that’s completely okay. This has nothing to do with Hartz 4 and you don’t exploit your husband. If you don’t want to own a villa and 5 cars and can only carry Gucci, you’ll have a roof over your head, balanced food and a weekend trip included. Don’t worry, slambs in the closet.

1 year ago
Reply to  Therapeutic

and what are you doing when the children get older?

1 year ago
Reply to  Dahika

If the children are old enough to take care of themselves and stay at home for a long time, you can of course go to work more.

2 years ago

Please read again. I am aware that some consciously lower the level because they have to “anonym” their frustration instead of contributing meaningful points to the discourse. ;

No, of course, a woman should not work full-time, educate children, take over household, etc. It should be self-evident that all tasks are distributed fairly in 2023 (or 2022^). If everyone turns his dirt away at once, the tasks also really keep within limits. A problem arises only when someone thinks that it is necessary to express himself before his duties. And yes, even a toddler can learn that his toys have to be cleansed into the shelf/in the closet/… When parents educate their children in a timely and age-appropriate manner, there are a lot of problems that make life much easier for everyone.

For me, the fairness definitely also includes the fact that a partner does not make a living at home, while the other partner has to do much more. So what if your partner could become a home instead?

Instead of quantity, the quality of the time spent together is much more important. But I’m just repeating myself here too.

Greetings from a girl whose parents (Arzt + Juristin) work both full-time and still have time for her evening and whose house always looks tiptop I didn’t miss anything, I was allowed to start an early study during school and then finished my Abi with 1.0 because my parents could give me the right values.

PS: It may sound nasty when I write that mainly women become a home, who (probably primarily from laziness) have enjoyed a rather lower education and no longer have any desire to work, but that is now statistically proven. The employment is inherited as well as cultural capital and has an enormous influence on the future path of life. Children. I just wanted to help and point out that it is definitely different because I believe that all should have the same chances. If this is undesirable, please. A silent fellow reader may be happy;)

PPS: Please let us know how poverty is defined in Germany. What others describe here is not even resin IV level.

2 years ago

Where’s an insult?

I didn’t say there was an insult.

It’s not a normal time for a party.

I didn’t say it was the evening. I said until you get home. If you work full-time, of course, you don’t have to do that, but if you work as a zb helper and start in the morning, then it’s going well from that time.

Why?have toAre children picked up?

I don’t let a kindergarten child walk home from the other village. At the moment, I don’t know anyone who could do that. In school children this is another topic, but individual (depending on location, parents and the child of course)

And how about division of labour? Everyone’s going to get rid of his dirt. This can also be a certain framework for young children.

Yes, but as you say, in a certain context. Then it also depends on how old and independent the children are. I’ll let the kindergarten child wash off, but then I don’t leave the plate like that, but of course I have to do it again. I don’t like it when the sink is full of dishes, so I want to do it right after dinner. If the kids get rid of their rough dirt, it’s not all done. (I don’t use a dishwasher and don’t have it before)

For the afternoon, there is an afternoon service both in schools and KiGa.

I already said that I don’t want to send my children to afternoon care until 16/17. At least not long-term.

Activities with children can also be made in the evening/on the WE

In the evening it may be dark and children are tired as the day is long for them when they go to afternoon care and exhausting. WE is mainly used for companies that is right. However, you should also go to the fresh air during the week and even if it is just a walk to the playground, it takes time. Here’s the speech of children who can’t go out alone.

The principle of “exception” remains the same

No. Children and household are not small tasks. The men I know enjoy eating made to get fresh laundry and a clean home. That’s what you’re saying. I’ll do it, he’ll do it. If a man says he wants to do something in the household so that woman can go to work longer, no problem. Then you can talk about it. But I only know it that way, and there were never problems and everyone found good.

Depending on the extent, this also counts as “poverty”.

What exactly do you feel about poverty? I grew up and never had problems. A child doesn’t need every single toy from the catalog unless you want to pamper the child too much and I don’t want to, except how much money I have. My family also lasts 1 vacation a year, maybe even 2. It’s not poverty for me.

When my parents separated, I was a kid. My mother had little money for a while. Just a mattress, no kitchen, only 1 sofa, cold evening apartment. This is poverty for me.

What children have bigger chances

Chances of what? I don’t know what you’re talking about, nor why you’re reopening the Hartz 4 theme, that’s not what it was.

2 years ago

Where’s an insult? I’m asking for an appropriate document? And you can follow my example;)

Until you get from work, let’s say at 12/11.30,

It’s not a normal time for a party.

you have cooked, cleansed up and done other work (e.g. shopping) it is also time to pick up the children from school or kindergarten.

Why? have to Are children picked up?

And how about division of labour? Everyone’s going to get rid of his dirt. This can also be a certain framework for young children. Everything else does not have to be done daily (e.g. clean the bathroom) and also these tasks can be distributed.

How are others doing? My parents were full of work and we always looked “though” and I lacked nothing (and certainly not models).

Once you’ve done that, the man is already home.

I assume that the sample children are in the KiGa/Grundschule (all others would simply be ridiculous), i.e. they have up to a maximum of 13 o’clock lessons. For the afternoon, there is an afternoon service both at schools and at KiGa. If this is used (->optimal promotion of children), it is even more incomprehensible for me why you don’t work… Do you want to clean the whole day?^^ Activities with the children can also be designed in the evening/on the WE, where not the quantity is decisive, but the quality…

Most women don’t, and that’s completely okay.

These women don’t get anything else chewed” Housewives can be found among former academics statistically more rare… Are these all career women who only got children out of “Pflicht”? Is their children really worse? You should be able to judge it yourself when you get rid of your bias.

This has nothing to do with Hartz 4

Nothing understood. The principle of “exception” remains the same.

and you don’t exploit your husband.

Perhaps the man would like to be fed by the woman (or alternatively by society)? Why do people even work? There are Hartz-4?

then you will certainly have a roof over your head, balanced food and a weekend trip included. Don’t worry, slambs in the closet.

Depending on the extent, this also counts as “poverty”. Don’t forget that D. is a rich country. There are other limits…

First because I know (I’m an educator) that it can be hard

What children have the bigger chances: the children of Hartz-4-receivers who send them to KiGa in the morning, or the children of two full-time doctors who are supervised during the day at KiGa, school or afternoon care? And what could this possibly be?

Statistics are actually clear, as is the study situation…

2 years ago

Supplement: If you send your children from 7.30 to 17.00 to the kindergarten or afternoon care of the school and therefore can take it easy to shoulder,ok. But it is not in my interest to do so. On the one hand because I know (I’m an educator) that it can be hard for the children and on the other hand because I don’t just want to see them on weekends.

2 years ago

Such a one would be better than that career women

2 years ago
Reply to  Alex2311s

Oh, my God. And I thought gntm was bad.

2 years ago
Reply to  lena1815

What do you mean, gntm?

2 years ago
Reply to  Alex2311s

I could scream if I read something like that.

So, I was born in 1960 and was lucky to have grown up in a household in which my father and my grandpa in the boiler and washtrog washed my fabric diapers and the clothes of the family.

That means my grandpa, born in 1908, washed laundry. Thanks to Opa, I was allowed to grow up in the family with such an understanding of cohesion and division of labour.

2 years ago

That I find it abnormally sexist and degrading. But your answer or “housewives tips” are another level of brainlessness.

2 years ago

what has this to do with my answer

2 years ago

heidi klum and her band of geldgeilen sexist people aka germanys next topmodel

2 years ago

No, because love doesn’t make me a person who makes his own needs totally outside.

2 years ago
Reply to  maja0403

which makes its own needs totally outside.

Well, I have two uniforms, the washing machine washes. Shirts hang around every 3 weeks. Cook occasionally. (if there is one who wants to eat) And the little household doesn’t take 8H even without a dishwasher.

There is theoretically more than enough time to go to work. Meet friends, wellness. Shopping us a little bit more like ladies.

1 year ago
Reply to  MarSusMar

of what money? From what he deserves? I’d feel exploited as a man. I’m working all day, and the woman’s making a Lenz. That’s what I want.

2 years ago
Reply to  MarSusMar

I’m not a typical lady who goes shopping, wellness stands. Meet friends is a limited leisure activity, because they don’t have 24/7 time either.
You can iron your shirts yourself: then you also have exercise when woman is ill and fails.

1 year ago

What is the problem if he puts his shirts to iron and pays for himself, what is it? What about WEM?

Reha’s something completely different. I got out of the cold epilepsy. Before I was working.

2 years ago

I’m a lady… But no typical. That’s what you’re talking about. More garden. And write novels, But exactly therefore my answer, I have, despite that I do the budget alone, more than enough time to pursue my interests.

GG, by the way, made the shirts iron when I was rehab for 6 weeks. That was also in February, long-sleeved shirts iron that you have to try out forever. Short when you know how to get the sleeves without a bend is relatively easy.

2 years ago

You shouldn’t live in the past. 😉