Frage an Eltern, bitte ehrliche Antwort — Ernährt ihr eure Kinder gesund (Text unten)?

Und bitte seid ehrlich! Und nur, weil ihr eurem Kind ab und an einen Apfel gebt oder eine Banane, bitte nicht mit JA voten !!!

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2 years ago

Hi Poppedelfoppe, 🙂

I am very concerned about healthy nutrition for the family, but I am also interested.

To 100 percent, this is probably hardly anyone nowadays, but if I take the cooking, I definitely add plenty of vegetables.😃

Greetings from tanzella 😃💐

2 years ago
Reply to  tanzella

Thank you for the star. ⭐

I’m very happy. Love greetings

2 years ago

My daughter (12) eats very healthy. Every time my wife or I offer her a cola or something sweet, she refuses to thank her and asks instead of tap water or fresh fruit.

In the main mealtimes, there are almost only healthy, self-cooked food, as my wife and I are both motor sports and we would sabotage our own training goals with Junk Food anyway.

2 years ago

But often there are leftovers with a salad.

Well, I don’t forbid, but I rarely buy it – they have to do it themselves.

2 years ago

Who has experienced things from real life and not just from the theory that knows that the topic “time” is subordinate.

Most of the children, say 50%, are mentally allergic to everything that only smells distantly “healthy”.

What is sugary, aromatized, goes in the direction of Haribo and Mc Donalds, which is consumed. Fresh salad, spinach, apples, etc. is rejected until hystery. You can speak French every day and become a nerve bundle yourself. Children often develop enormous resistance and in the choice of whether the parents/child relationship is disturbed sustainably, it is better to admit that the red beet is consumed.

Only that one lives with the imperfection of one’s own child-raising and the hope that more reason is not too late. Of course, you can regularly advertise for better diet, but spare dramas of the family.

2 years ago

Of course we make sure that our children also eat enough fruit, vegetables, fish and so on, but there are also snacks, pizzas, burgers, hot dogs and co.

2 years ago

My son is Dad himself – I was also important that he learns from a little bit to cook himself or to help me…

It worked wonderfully – also my granddaughter (2 years) is on the way…;)

2 years ago

Always? No, not always. But six out of seven days. We also eat a lot of raw food, almost daily, as the child prefers raw vegetables rather than cooked.

2 years ago

At least I’ve done this for so long until they’ve moved out and founded their own families.

2 years ago

No more, because they are all three grown up and have family.

In the past, as far as possible, freshly cooked daily. But there were only noodles with sauce or pommes. You survived it….

My middle son and his younger brother cook and bake today and make this good for their children.

2 years ago

I don’t always cook fresh, but mostly.

My child voluntarily eats healthy, lovingly liked vegetable snacks, fruit snacks and generally I care that we don’t take junk food to us.

2 years ago

and I have always brought fresh vegetables directly from the organic producer and fresh milk directly from the farm

2 years ago

So my mother had no idea about cooking my main diet consisted of pizza baguettes.