Frage an die Raucher oder diejenigen, dessen Eltern Rauchen. Findet ihr diese Mutter unverantwortlich/schlecht oder wie würdet ihr euch fühlen, wenn euch das?
Wir saßen in so nem Zelt und am Nebentisch war eine (ich gehe davon aus) Mutter mit (ich denke mal) ihrem Sohn/so um die 17, hat telefoniert und dabei geraucht.
Sie hat den Rauch so langsam ausgeatmet, nicht direkt ins Gesicht, aber nur so leicht nach oben über ihn, sodass er über seinen Haaren gegangen ist, aber es war ein voller Zug und ne dichte Wolke und viel Qualm.
Glaubt ihr das war Absicht, oder eher einfach locker ausgeatmet?
Und ist das euer Meinung nach schlimm, oder ist man wegen sowas nicht gleich eine schlechte Mutter? Wie würdet ihr euch als Sohn fühlen?
Whether in the smoker or non-smoker, it is a breath, even if it is mixed with smoke that you can see, every person breathes something, whether it is a pleasant smell or not, doesn’t matter here. Do you always control 100% in which direction you breathe? Smoke can be seen and out of courtesy you can’t blow anyone into his face, but how is it when I have taken a mouth spray that stinks for most people? No one can see breath, but smell and in most cases it is as unpleasant, but that doesn’t bother and you breathe further in the direction of his counterpart, even if it gets bad from a beer flag or anything else. Only with smokers you get up because you can see it.
Writer Winfried Schäfer – Rochau (non-smoking)
It is not about seeing it, it is unhealthy and calls itself passive smoking
I grew up in a time when dads smoked chain in the car. With closed window. With the children backseat. I’m relaxed.
The son is also old enough to get away when the smoke is disturbing him.
Why would he just sit down because the mother is irresponsible? I mean, they’re here because they want to sit together.
He seems to have been less disturbed than you. Vl smokes the guy himself and doesn’t have it right now. Besides, you don’t care what other families do. That’s what the two have to do. I’m opposed to smoking a mother next to her baby, it can’t resist, but with 17 you can. And if you don’t, it doesn’t bother you.
then the people who are directly affected, so in this case the Son, should open the mouth when he feels disturbed.
We are in Germany, here everyone can say his opinion 😉
I just said that it is irresponsible no matter how old the person is, of course we don’t know if the son smokes too.
Yeah, you can smoke with 14 and now?
But of course there are people that bother.
Probably she made it out of thoughtlessness, my mother also smokes but she always goes to the roof terrace or under the carport, depending on the weather.
Can be mistaken I have recently seen a woman in the left she had a little child maybe 4 years old and in the right hand a joint that I find irresponsible
Smoking your parents? If so, have you experienced this before or how would you react?
No my parents don’t smoke but I’m sorry
Yeah, right, what you’re saying isn’t. So with the woman. This is in comparison with that of course nix, you cannot compare.
No besides children
And would you smoke next to your child (from a certain age)? And be careful, or not so bad when it happens what you mean
I find it highly irresponsible before a small child to smoke Since it is imphindlivher again
Little child? Have you ever read the question?
Yes I meant it was loose
You don’t need to interfere in the privacy of other people. The as good as adult son did not ask you for help.
That was a vape. They steam so that you think the tent burns off.
Well, there’s something for you
But would you say in the steam you don’t have to be so careful and don’t hurt, so was not bad/unresponsible from the mother?
If you were a mother beside your son (Teenie) and how would it be for you if you were enveloped for a few seconds?
I don’t think I’m researched yet, but I’m careful!
But that was not a vape
No, it’s not okay, just as little as there is a harmless radiation dose.
But let’s say it doesn’t hurt. You’d say it’s okay if it happens that you’re sneaking
ChatGPT says something completely different:
Yes, the steam of e-cigarettes (Vapes) can be harmful to health. Although many people consider Vapes less harmful than conventional cigarettes, inhaling steam is not without risks. The steam often contains harmful chemicals such as formaldehyde, acrolein and diacetyl, which can arise when e-liquids are evaporated. These substances can irritate the respiratory tract and cause long-term health damage such as respiratory diseases or cardiovascular problems.
Was actually researched. In itself not harmful, but the visual effect is yes there haha
So let’s say it doesn’t hurt. You’d say it’s okay if it happens that you’re sneaking