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Is a lot of variety in it and the colors of the cosmetic products look versatile. Because of Douglas I think it’s high-quality cosmetics. Only the nail polish wouldn’t be my thing now – but it’s like that on calendars.
Finally a reasonable answer!!️
pretty much every woman has her beauty products that she likes to use and most often the not really changed
I use e.g. Neither Kajal nor a lip bordering pencil and there are 3 pieces here.
Lidshad I take subtle colors – where they are I wouldn’t use any.
I haven’t used nail polish since I haven’t had any art nails anymore – it lasts 1-2 days and then I have to put it down again and give a new one up. that is too cumbersome and time-consuming
the rubber ringer what’s inside I wore 20 years ago…
I do not wear lipstick
So I would not use 90% of the products
Then rather Advent calendar you fill yourself with stuff where you know that it also uses it
Thank you.
My friend had to buy me a calendar like this forty years ago. He thought he’d make me happy. However, the parts were only decoration on my shelf and then all dropped after the expiry date. I’m using my own things and they’re a few chosen. I can’t start with such an anger on crucibles and color palettes. I’m using a day cream, an eyebrow trimmer and some powder. Otherwise there’s no answer. And my skin thanks me. I’m mid-40 and I don’t have a wrinkle in my face yet. Neither forehead folds nor flat folds.
However, if then you could make me happy with Douglas perfume samples.
Nope. I’m not happy with make-up stuff.
My 14-year-old daughter would probably be happy.
I wouldn’t buy myself. So I’d be surprised if my husband would give me such a calendar.
It would be quite strange (for me personally) if someone else (related or neighbors, for example) would give me a calendar in general/this calendar in particular.
Because my skin is rather sensitive… and I don’t use nail polish… it would be unmissed money.
Not at all. I’d have to give it all up.
Some people sure, but I don’t know what to do.
No… I don’t make up and beauty products
I’m out of age. I got my toiletries, that’s enough.
No. Just ne normal cream. That’s enough.
Antique creams? 😆
No, thanks.
Then not 😝