Frage an die Elektriker?
In meiner Tranfunselei habe ich heute morgen eine Steckdose rausgerissen, weil ich über das Kabel gestolpert bin. Damit kein Kabelbrand passiert, habe ich als erste Amtshandlung sämtliche Sicherungen rausgehauen und die beiden Enden an den Kabeln abisoliert.
Jetzt habe ich mir diese ” Bescherung” nochmal angesehen und bin zu dem Schluss gekommen, dass ich das selbst wieder reparieren kann. Da müssen ja nur diese Kabelenden wieder in die Fassungen. Insofern ist das nicht die Erfundung der Quantenphysik.
Aber, kann ich diese beiden Kabel falsch anstecken, oder ist das egal wo ich die reinstecke? Falls das nicht egal ist, worauf muss ich achten und was gehört wo rein? Spannungsprüfer habe ich.
The phase comes in to the left, the neutral conductor to the right (left and right refer to the wall when you look at the back of the socket and thus the connection terminal is of course right)
Of course, it doesn’t matter for the function because it is an alternating current and you can insert the plugs turned by 180°.
I’m just standing in front of my outlet and there’s a black and red cable out there. Where do I put them back? Of course, the fuses are down and no more chipping.
Red should be the earthing.
I don’t trust these old cables too 100%. Red should be earthing, but what do I know if there was no bullshit at that time.
Theoretically, black should be the phase, but if I learned one thing in the renovation of my parents’ house, you should never trust old cables. In the event of a doubt, the electrician has learned to work.
Generally, this question alone is reason enough why it shouldn’t do it yourself.
I mean, it’s not a job that a skilled person needs, but nevertheless something that a person should do with some basic knowledge.
Even if you bring the wires to the right positions, so yellow green to the grounding clamp and the others don’t care, the whole thing should be done clean at the end. Wrong clamping and thus high transition resistances can also cause a cable fire and I have seen something like this in person.
The yellow green cable has to be connected to PE, the other 2 are no matter
A socket usually has three wires. 🙂
Get a professional.
Quantum physicists are also not infallible. 😂
Or in old buildings Zweiader with classic zeroing.
Right. This is another two-core
Do you know how many “years” you’re waiting for a professional today? If he is finally there, you shall also be grateful that he accepts you.
Then you have to be 100% sure what L is. If you are confusing with N and L, your devices work perfectly on the protective contact, but on the protective contact are full 230 volts on it. If you plug a device with protective contact plug in, you have the entire housing under tension. You have to be able to do that clearly by measuring.