Frage an alle die diese China DIN 18650 Akkus nutzen?
Habe inzwischen mehrere Kleingeräte die mit diesen 18650 Akkus betrieben werden. Gestern bekam ich eine Sicherheitswarnung dass meine vor drei Jahren gekauften Kraftmax nicht mehr genutzt werden sollen. Auch via www gibt es viele Warnungen dieser Akkus. Wie geht ihr damit um? Wie lagert ihr die?
Bisher hatte ich null Probleme damit.
With such warnings, I try to find out the reason for the warning.
These batteries (manufacturers) may not be able to safely deliver the amperes that eat a vape thing.
However, it doesn’t matter that you use the batteries in the small portable fan in the summer or in the Bluetooth music box, where a battery charge lasts for 4 hours.
Then give up very fast shop and nothing should happen. Residual risk remains with all devices.
I got those from Sony (Japan) for a vape and also got a warning afterwards that they are not suitable for it, but I think the problem will be the heat development when too much electricity is drawn, but they have become maximally handwarm with me, so I still use it.
18650 is only the design. who buys noname china 18650 cells also lets the potten lie on the stove…
Mys are from Kraftmax, thought it would be DE.
18650 is not a DIN for batteries, but describes the size! 18mm diameter, 65 mm length.
Take these things away when there is a callback or warnings!!!
Can you send a link? I didn’t find any security warning….
The “security warning” comes from an e-cigarette. They pull a lot of power out of these batteries (hundred watts from two cells). The better e-cigarettes measure the temperature of the batteries and then issue this warning when things run hot.
OK, but then I would add batteries for the e-cigarettes, which also have high discharge currents, otherwise it is logical that there are problems….
Thank you. The warning came from eBay, explicit for the Kraftmax. No link.
They also keep less juice for the heating of your hand.