FPV Haftpflichtversicherung?
kann ich, wenn ich mich beim LBA registriere und beim DMFV die Basic Versicherung (Einzelmitglied) für 12 € (Jugendlicher) abschließe, meinen Betafpv air 75 (tiny whoop) ohne Spotter (30 Meter hoch) in allen flugfähigen Zonen fliegen?
Ich brauche ja keinen Kenntnisnachweis/Führerschein!?
Hab ich dann alles was ich brauche?
Yes, if you register at the LBA and complete the basic insurance at the DMFV, you can fly your Betafpv Air 75 (Tiny Whoop) without spotters up to 30 meters in all flying zones. Since you are under 16 years old, you do not need a certificate of knowledge or driving licence. With the liability insurance you are insured if there is damage. However, note the specific rules and regulations for flying drones in Germany to act safely and responsibly.
What if I get older then do I need a proof of knowledge etc?
No. The FPV does nothing without a spotter.
Oh, I didn’t know that. Thanks for correcting.