Fotoqualität verbessern?
Ich hatte heute einen richtigen Fangirl-Moment und konnte ein Foto mit einem Schauspieler ergattern.
Leider ist es total verschwommen und jetzt könnte ich einfach nur heulen. 🙁
Habt ihr Tipps, wie ich es retten kann?
kann mir jemand helfen? Kennt sich jemand aus?
If it is blurred, either the focus is not correct or the camera was moved during the recording. Both are not easily improved in post-processing.
For this, you should see if you find a corresponding AI program or similar. If you do this, look at the fact that you only start a copied file and not the original so that you still have the original when the program should completely disfigure the image.
Google time, maybe there’s such a program for free.
Try with me Remini or Pixels from the Playstore, or various other A.I. improvement software that exists:
pixelup – Android Apps on Google Play
However, if they can’t save anything, you’ve got the photo too much wobbled or misfocused.
Get the Rimini app, so you can significantly improve sharpness.
Reduce image (not enlarge), then you don’t see the blur so doll.
This app has never disappointed me except for texts.