Fotoqualität verbessern?

Ich hatte heute einen richtigen Fangirl-Moment und konnte ein Foto mit einem Schauspieler ergattern.
Leider ist es total verschwommen und jetzt könnte ich einfach nur heulen. 🙁

Habt ihr Tipps, wie ich es retten kann?
kann mir jemand helfen? Kennt sich jemand aus?

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2 years ago

If it is blurred, either the focus is not correct or the camera was moved during the recording. Both are not easily improved in post-processing.

For this, you should see if you find a corresponding AI program or similar. If you do this, look at the fact that you only start a copied file and not the original so that you still have the original when the program should completely disfigure the image.

Google time, maybe there’s such a program for free.

1 year ago

Try with me Remini or Pixels from the Playstore, or various other A.I. improvement software that exists:

pixelup – Android Apps on Google Play

However, if they can’t save anything, you’ve got the photo too much wobbled or misfocused.

2 years ago

Get the Rimini app, so you can significantly improve sharpness.

2 years ago

Reduce image (not enlarge), then you don’t see the blur so doll.

2 years ago

This app has never disappointed me except for texts.