Fotografieren am DUS Airport?
Guten Tag,
Ich wollte mal in Corona Zeiten am Düsseldorfer Flughafen flugzeuge fotografieren aber die Flughafen Terrasse hat ja zu kann man vielleicht aus dem Terminal was raus fotografieren oder so was?
Danke für die Antworten.
That was off the garage.
Thanks for the star
You don’t see anything from the terminal. Because without the ticket and PCR test and all the stuff you don’t get into the departure area and you only see the public check-in hall, from there you can’t find and see any planes.
Go to the field road in Lohausen when the direction of departure is west, strong planes over you. Even better when they land.
Besides, there’s everything down there anyway. Watching for airplanes is as useful as photographing people at noon at night at the exit lock on the Rhine bank. Would wait for the pandemic.
I was at the garage 8 last time. Super view from up there and you could photograph really well.
Only in the areas accessible to the public.