Förster, Jäger und andere Personen im Wald?

Bayern: was ist der Unterschied zwischen Jäger und Förster und darf einer von beiden bzw. beide anderen Leuten das Betreten des Waldes untersagen? Z. B. ein Jäger einem Reiter oder Jogger, weil er ansitzen und jagen möchte? Immer ausgehend von öffentlichen Wegen, die keiner Einschränkung unterliegen. Gibt es bestimmte Uhrzeiten, an denen Wälder nicht betreten werden dürfen, weil Förster/Jäger da jagen wollen? Wo kann man das nachsehen bzw. was ist hier die gesetzliche Grundlage? Danke für eure Antworten im voraus.

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3 years ago


Förster is a profession. Prerequisite is a study. The ability to perform hunting is not always part of the subsequent tasks, but in most cases the prerequisite for recruitment and often part of the training/studies. The tasks are governed by the service owner/employer. They are often employed at the federal state (in Bavaria: Free State), often beamed and are in their jurisdiction, so to speak, the representation of the state in the field of forest, i.e. responsible for the monitoring, enforcement and implementation of provisions concerning the forest. Such försters have a service card and often wear service clothes. Other försters are not employed by an authority, but by a forest owner to manage its forest. Depending on the requirements of the forest owner, they are also assigned hunting as a task on this area. This is similar in Bavaria even in the state forest, which is managed by an institution of public law.

Hunters are once a person who, in an examination, has demonstrated the ability to carry out hunting, i.e. has a hunting certificate. There are so-called. Professional hunters who have pure hunting practice to work, but they are very few. In Bavaria there are about 120, compared with more than 400 Förster alone with the Bavarian State Forests, for which hunting is part of the professional practice. The vast majority of hunters (there are approx. 70000 hunting license holders in Bavaria) this is not professional, but “for private pleasure”.

The entering of the forest has constitutional role in Bavaria:


And is specified in the forest law:


This applies to walking! There are restrictions in individual cases for special reasons, but there are no general times when entry is not allowed, and neither a single killer nor a single hunter could arrange such a thing.

Since you are specifically talking about public roads, which are then allowed to enter and even be traveled by everyone: here a barrier in individual cases would have to take place through the road authority, which I also need as a förster, if for example trees have to be fallen next to the way.

3 years ago
Reply to  Pomophilus

🌟Thank you!

3 years ago

Legal basis are the National Forest Lawe and Hunting laws of the federal states.

And indeed the blocking of forest is possible and necessary.

3 years ago

In principle, in Germany, the forest must be entered by everyone.

Förster work in the forest – it is their workplace.

Hunters stay in their hunting cattle. Hunting is announced and made known by warning posts/signs etc.

3 years ago
Reply to  T50411

Hunting is announced and made known by warning posts/signs etc.

This applies only to larger so-called “social hunts” in which many people are involved. So driving or pressing with some shooters, drivers and co.

If a hunter goes to the precinct alone or only with a few co-jägers, there are no signs or the like.

3 years ago

a förster is responsible for a particular forest area usually state forest or for the kommune.er can also be jäger and is then responsible for trees and wild.A jäger is hunter who regulates the wild in the framework of the statutory provisions and are mostly hobbyjäger.in rare cases there are also occupational foresters who are employed by the state almost only in the high mountain range.

3 years ago

In principle, in his answer the purely legal side has already explained very well and in detail.

That’s why I’m just adding a few supplements:

Difference Förster und Jäger

These are two responsibilities: Förster are “Baumwirte” who build the forest. And hunters are responsible for the wild. But it can be natural that a förster simultaneously is also a hunter.

“Forbid” to go somewhere in the forest

Of course, neither Förster nor Jäger are the “Herrscher” in the forest. But unlike the “visitor” they have to perform tasks there.

And if a förster (or his forest workers) falls a tree, for example, somewhere, or similar, and then says to the visitor, “please don’t walk there,” then of course it has its reason.

The same applies to the hunter. If he sits on the high seat on the edge of a lawn and does not ask you to go along there, because you’re giving him the wild, that’s why.

Then the normal person should react accordingly and respond to it.

And in extreme cases (you have been addressed / pointed out and do it anyway or possibly. even “now now”) you can also be accused of obstruction of hunting and let you be accountable accordingly.

3 years ago

What distinguishes a hunter from a killer? The hunter is responsible for the fauna and the förster for the flora. One for the animal and the other for the plant population.
Can they lock the forest for entering? I think so. Plant work e.g.