Formen 3d drucken?
Hat jemand erfahrung damit?
Ich bin ein zimlicjwr anfänger und frage mich, wie ich am besten das pla oder petg von meiner form aus dem gegossenen stück bekomme.
Ich hab es mit warmen wasser probiert, das ist auch gut gegangen jedoch hat es auch den beton oder gibs aufgeweicht, dass stück ist dann zerbrochen.
was könnte ich probieren?
(meine form hat eine schrift in sich, das heiss das filament verhackt sich wie im beton)
1.Make the font less high! You can still color it afterward anyway. The latter brings more than one too deep writing.
2.Use a hot air dryer to melt the font a little to round it something.
3.Place predetermined breaking points in the form or make them multi-part so you can better solve them.
4.Use another filling material such as silicone
5.Use sink or similar in shape before filling the material if it is too glued.
The numbering is rough in the priority which should have the most influence (without having seen your real parts now). Nevertheless, you can also try it without point 2. Point 5 is more used for silicone, I have no idea whether it would work on plaster, but maybe you can google again.
Good luck!
Thanks a lot, I’ll try the hot air blower and rinse
that are very good ideas many thanks
But don’t make the writing so high… so deep into the material.
I’ll try it out thanks
It’ll be a little smoother. But it must be seen that not your whole form bends (weigh, as I have said, a little easier in writing)… a lot of success in trying.
Yes it’s like an anker but I think if I could consider the filament it could go very well away
I’m sorry I couldn’t see your parts in real, but I assume that the lettering remains like an anchor in the cast material. In addition, so deep craters promote that the part breaks more. You have to try a little. But what looks good is also if it is only one or a half a millimeter deep and you then draw the font with e.g. black color/stift. Like I said, just try a little. I know too little details now.
Why? It has not looked bad, the piece is 20cm lanh and the font is 10mm deep
Silicone shapes are better suited for Gibs.
In most sliycers, you can convert your shape into a negative shape and then use this negative shape to make a silicone shape.
Also, a release agent such as release wax or oil could help the gibs get better out of shape.
Separation wax is available, for example, for baking. Thus, sheets are sprayed in so that the rolls are then more easily removed.
Here is a mold release agent:
In the industrial sector, oils are often used to get, e.g., materials from steel molds more easily.
Thank you
You need to make a silicone shape from your shape, which you can use again and again.
I’ve already thought, but it would be much cheaper if I can take the pressure directly, as I can print different forms and sometimes only 1 times