Fordere ich die Nachfrage?

Fordere ich die Nachfrage von Tierischen Produkten, wenn ich rette mich Produkte kaufe die am nächsten Tag oder bald ablaufen? Sind neue Produkte schon geliefert worden oder schon im Regal bereitgestellt?


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4 months ago

Yeah, it’s all about the record. This is triggered when the minimum stock is reached. The date doesn’t matter. New items are already sorted in some cases, a part is in the warehouse.

Products that do not run disappear from the range. It also has individual branches. Not everything goes equally well everywhere. Not at all

They only see that just before the expiry is ok and that could adjust the reporting rupture. Button the waste has been supported

Day-to-day is not sold directly by markets themselves, even if you want it

The producer still gets the info of which varieties are left (returned), best to go and which are sold out of need as the other varieties are already gone.

(Müller, for example, doesn’t care at all. But must now produce some things again, as it was massively mounted. Some varieties are still produced for discounters that go great. Ben&Jerry’s also lends well-being as desired only Lim Eds. Buh…!

4 months ago

An interesting question.

I think that these sales will also be included, and the goods will still not be sold.

4 months ago

Somehow. On the other hand it is thrown away

4 months ago

Yes, this does not reduce consumption.