Ford Mustang 2.3 ecoboost?

Hey Leute,

ich will mir schon seit einigen Monaten mein Traum erfüllen, es soll ein Ford Mustang 2.3 ecoboost werden. letzte Woche habe ich mir einen angeschaut. Das Fahrzeug ist ein US-Import und hatte nur ein kleinen (Blechschaden), der Verkäufer hat mir auch ohne zu zögern alle Bilder gezeigt. Der Verkäufer meinte er gibt mir auch das Carfax mit. Alle Import Autos werden bei denen in der hauseigenen meisterwerkstatt in Deutschland repariert. Rechnung vorhanden. Das Fahrzeug hat deutsche Papiere und wird Zulassungsfertig gemacht.

Jetzt die Frage an euch kann ich das Auto ohne Hintergedanken kaufen oder muss ich noch was beachten ich bitte um Hilfe da ich mich nicht so gut auskenne

vielen dank

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3 years ago

Go to the Ford dealer and buy one. You can order the mustang quite normal and have no stress with any import theatre

3 years ago
Reply to  DerBayer80

The air pump is already in Germany.

3 years ago
Reply to  hotrod66

Nevertheless, you don’t have to buy an importer if I get the thing at the Ford dealer around the corner

3 years ago

Neither do I. Not with the toy motor

3 years ago

Nają, if it’s done well and the price fits. Still, I wouldn’t do that to me.

3 years ago

I would make it dependent on the equipment and price. In principle, an imported US vehicle with the same equipment without an accident is more expensive than an EU model officially sold by Ford. In principle, the US models also have a lower basic equipment for braking and cooling.

In your case, however, this is an accidental U.S. model, so you have to compare yourself if this is worth it. The EU-Ecoboosts have risen significantly in price due to the engine running out in Germany, so could be an option for you.

Next, it’s good that there is a repair history (which, however, also check for plausibility!) and that the dealer plays with open cards regarding Carfax (there are also many others who don’t volunteer to appeal or disengage).

The Ecoboost is a good engine and also has a good move. This is of course not a comparison to the V8, but is of course a good corner cheaper – especially with taxes. I’m afraid you’re gonna have to hire yourself for stupid spells.

You can also get the concrete offer in the German Mustang Forum ( post. There are such questions everyday and you can tell exactly what you need to pay attention to. There are also many users who offer (if the local proximity allows) sightseeing dates together with you.

3 years ago

Why would you let yourself be imported? In Germany, there is also a normal way to buy it!

will I not make?

3 years ago
Reply to  ProxiCent

Who can read is clearly in advantage.

3 years ago
Reply to  France470

Yeah, I understand, but why would you do that? If you buy him, they imported him for you…

3 years ago

A Ford Mustang without V8 is like vegan curry sausage.