Ford Focus von 2008-2012 für kleine Menschen?

Hey, ich schaue mich um für mein ersten Auto und bin auf den Ford Focus Turnier bj 2009 gestoßen ..ganz wichtig ist es, dass es ein Diesel ist..

Was sagt ihr zu dem Auto für einen Fahranfänger?

zu dem bin ich auch nicht groß, nur 1,55m … könnte ich zu klein sein?

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5 years ago


Cars are designed for sizes of 5% woman to 95% man who is even smaller than the 5% woman needs some modifications/modifications. The 5% woman is mW 1,525m or 60″.

5 years ago

This is a solid car without special Schickimicki.

The condition of a used car depends very much on how it was previously treated and maintained.

5 years ago

Basically solid and a simple car. Take someone who knows. Things like raw law. Especially in the area of cycling and rear-axle shooting.

5 years ago

for the beginning it is ok but there is a time ne arrangement that you cannot drive the same euro 5.

5 years ago
Reply to  alpa123817

You can get a Euro 5 diesel.

5 years ago
Reply to  DerBayer80

not everywhere but the police also has no desire to stop any euro 5 the same driver and ne squandering. Each 10 of 2 vahrzeuge are still euro 5.

5 years ago

how you want to drive at our city

5 years ago

There is no general undermining of the Euro5 cars. I don’t go to the rest of the text