Fondue – Weihnachten/Neujahr: Majo das 500 g Glas hat über 3500 kcal – War Dir das klar?
Und an die, denen es neu ist: Wird sich Dein Verhalten dadurch ändern?
Wenn nein, warum nicht
Hey, Wenn ich MCDonalds immer Esse hab ich nach 1 Stunde schon wieder Hunger woran liegt das denn? Und was ist im Essen drinne für Zusatzstoffe usw… P.s Bei Burger King ist es nicht der Fall mit nach 1 Stunde = Hunger 🙂 Gruß FlyingCat972
Gestern hatte ich eine leckere Pizza Pasta zum Mittag. Die war so gut! Ich hätte heute nochmal Lust darauf. Ist das gesund? Da es ja TK-Pizzen sind es die exakt gleichen Inhaltsstoffe, kommt dann der Magen und Darm durcheinander?
Jetzt war Federweißen Fest und mir ging es immer gut… aber dann 30 Min später, nach 1 Glas Federweißen und Zwiebelkuchen merkte ich wie mein Bauch Geräusche macht… und ich musste dringend die Toilette aufsuchen 💩 Zum Glück war da eine 😍 …(die jetzt renoviert werden muss) Seitdem hatte ich 2 Tage lang Beschwerden 🙁…
Mir erschließt sich der Sinn von Chips nicht.
nach wie lange ohne essen fällt man um oder passiert was schlechtes?
Yes I knew how fat mayonnaise is, but I don’t eat all the glass at once. I take a kleks for my frits or she just comes in the salad with noodles and also I don’t eat the whole pot
Actually, this is part of the basic knowledge that Majo consists only of fat and egg. Accordingly yes, majo has neat calories. I’ve been clear to myself for years and that’s also a reason why I don’t like her because she’s just too fat to me (because I could eat oil in the same way). Did she ever eat since childhood.
However, I wonder what Majo has to do with Fondue now. Because there’s no Mayo in Fondue. If it is cheese fondue, fat fondue or broth. But in Mayonnaise there is nothing
meat fondue with broth. Volkornreis + Soßen + Majo.
Okay, if there’s that to tip the meat right. But I’ll let the Mayo go to the fondue and that’s not it.
I never buy mayonnaise if you can make it yourself, but it’s quite fat. For potato and noodle salad I take a yoghurt sauce, either made myself or (no fogging, no other term) Miracle Whip.
I don’t take mayonnaise to the fondue, because it doesn’t fit the cheese fondue. There’s Christmas and New Year’s Eve.
No one eats a 500g glass of Mayo. No one. That would get out post-turning.
Apart from that, I’ve never had a fondue and it doesn’t irritate me either.
With meat, rice and other sauces… spread over 2-3 hours – I’d probably make it. But since it’s not good for me, I’m disciplined!
I usually buy these mini bubbles and never get them all.
I couldn’t imagine a Mayo to fondue.
No, my behavior doesn’t change because I’ve never eaten 1 glass of Mayo. Yes, of course, this has many calories. Have 500 g of chocolate too. Don’t eat a human.
So I didn’t know the numbers before, because Majo has a lot of fat, I already knew. One of the reasons I haven’t eaten for years. Disgusting, right? For Remoulade, more or less the same applies, only that sometimes I can’t avoid them, because many bakers shame their sandwiches with it
Yes, of course. Mayonnaise, also as Mayo or Majo is a viscous, cold-produced sauce based on egg yolk and oil.
What did you think this is a diet or what?
I didn’t think it was that big.
So with the ingredients it should actually be clear
No, I would have thought.
I usually eat a 250g glass to dessert because it is creamier than pudding.
I thought the calories were similar….
Maybe I should stop.
It is best to eat it with a shot of oil, then it tastes even more like pudding with a liquid core
There’s no fondue with me, for potato salad to me mayonnaise and meat salad… And no, it doesn’t change, it’s been with us for a hundred years. I’m not gonna start counting calorie now.
I didn’t know. I’ve never eaten fondue and thought it was liquid cheese or something.
Fondue is generally the introduction of something into a liquid.
There are cheese fondue, meat fondue ua.
At the cheese fondue, the cheese is the liquid into which bread is consumed.
And who eats a whole pound of Mayo?
It’s pupsegal how many calorie has something, I eat for mood and appetite when I’m tired I’m sick. Works very excellent
No. I’m not mad.
Yeah, I knew I wouldn’t eat.