Fond sicher?
Dws esg investa ld der Deutschen Bank. Dort liegt meine Altersvorsorge. Besteht dort auch die Gefahr das mein Vermögen eingefroren wird?
Dws esg investa ld der Deutschen Bank. Dort liegt meine Altersvorsorge. Besteht dort auch die Gefahr das mein Vermögen eingefroren wird?
Ich beschäftige mich gerade mit dem Thema Geld. Ich mache es kurz, es sind auch nur zwei Fragen: 1) Wenn ich beispielsweise 1000 Euro auf dem Konto habe: Ist das jetzt nur eine Zahl auf dem Bildschirm oder welcher materielle WERT “versteckt” sich hinter den digitalen 1000 Euro? Edelmetalle zum Beispiel oder was anderes? 2)…
Wo mit kann man online am besten viel Geld verdienen also trading dropshiping oder so was
I would like to open a junior account for my son at ING-DiBa. Since my son is already 15, he would like to trade on his own. How does the junior account work? Do I have to buy everything, or can I give my son access so he can trade on his own?
Hello everyone, I opened a Trade Republic account about two weeks ago. I mainly invested in ETFs and a few small positions in individual stocks. Last week, I came up with the idea of using leverage. Initially, I used a 7x leverage. It worked quite well, and I was able to make a profit of…
spart ihr das Geld in Aktien /Sparpläne oder einfach so ?
Ich habe mir 2021 20 Aktien von Mind Medicine geholt zu einem Kurs von 3,86€. Jetzt ist die Aktie 8,16€ wert, aber ich habe nur noch eine Aktie bei Trade Republic. Kann mir Jemand erklären wieso das so ist. Mein Buy in ist jetzt auch laut der App bei 58,68€, was gar keinen Sinn ergibt….
I find myself investing in shares safer. A bank can go broke or get into financial difficulties and keep your capital.
If your broker goes broke, you keep your shareholdings and just have to look for a new one.
In any case, I would divide the retirement provision a little more and not put everything on a card.
Edit: Thought this is an insurance based on funds. Simply ignore the wrong answer xD
Fund incl. ETFs are special assets. They do not fall under the insolvency mass of the depot-leading bank or the issuer.
Incorrect, a fund is a special asset and is not liable for the bank’s pleites, by the way, as little as your deposit with individual shares.
And if you get as broad a spread with your individual shares as the fund with a fixed asset of 3.5 billion. EUR, your depot structure could be similarly secure, otherwise not. A single company could go broke, and this will surely hit your depot much harder than a broadly scattered fund.
That’s why the FS split very well and didn’t put on a card at all.
I was wrong, thank you for the info. Know as contributions from old age insurance based on funds where then the call comes that you knew the risk and the fortune is gone…
But that’s another thing like an actively managed fund. =)
Because ETFs and individual shares are special assets, I also wrote that. It’s a protected asset and you just have to look for a new broker.
However, old-age care products in banks are usually an insurance company that runs only fund-based. This is often not a special asset as far as I know.
Funds are always a special asset. There are no exceptions.
No, it is a special asset that is not liable for the fund company. The assets are also liquid. There is no reason to freeze
If you are involved in money laundering, international terrorism or other crimes, this can happen.
Otherwise not.
But I hope you are aware of the danger that your retirement provision consists of in principle only one asset class, only one fund.
Rather not and the fund is from JP Morgan. No good strategy to put everything in a fund. Even if he is very safe like this.
How do you get the strange idea that it is a fund of JPM? It’s an ancient DWS fund.
If it is legally possible, your fortune can be frozen everywhere