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4 years ago

Do you also go to the restaurant with home-cooked food?

4 years ago

It won’t work. Firstly, the calculated working time is then guaranteed to be more expensive because the operation proceeds to proceed from the sale of the film to you, and secondly, the subsequent closure of any liability due to the film being brought along. Don’t bid.


4 years ago

What happens if you bring your own potatoes to McD and say “1x Pommes, please!”

It is a mixed costing of working time and profit when selling materials. So your project will be nix.

Workshops are already unhappy when you bring your own oil – even if you had previously bought it with them (with “workshop supplement”).

4 years ago

This won’t make you a professional filmer, he has to take care of his work and the product a guarantee, and he doesn’t do that with unknown materials.

4 years ago

The least sliders will do that. Especially since the work is exactly what makes torture expensive