Flüssigkeitsansammlung Gehirn?
MRT zeigte nichts auffälliges außer eine leichte Flüssigkeitsansammlung auf der rechten Seite in der Nähe vom Ohr. Der Arzt meinte wäre erstmal nicht weiter schlimm und Überweisung HNO. Im Internet steht allerdings das das ganz schön gefährlich werden kann.
Hat da wer Erfahrung?
read this
Paukenerguss is a collection of secretions in the area of the middle ear. The middle ear is the section of the ear, which is located behind the eardrum and in front of the inner ear. The cavity, which is called paukenhöhle or tympanon in the medical language, is connected via the Eustachian tube (rotumpete) to the nasal rake space and is the seat of the auditory ankles. This knöcher structure consisting of the parts hammer, anvil and stirrups transports the sound waves arriving on the drum and converted into vibrations there into the inner ear. The ear trumpet has the task of ensuring the optimal ventilation of the Paukenhöhle. The slight negative pressure present there is compensated for by each individual swallowing process. The secret stowing in the middle ear has various causes and becomes chronic if the person concerned does not allow him to be treated medically in time. In particular,Childrenunder 8 years of age, ear disease is quite common.Resurrection
In the case of acute paukene casting, a slimy, elitist, aqueous or blood-translated liquid is amazed in the pauken cave. It often arises throughInfectionsin the HNO area (colds, nasal sinusitis) or is the result of high pressure fluctuations (Barotrauma).
The Eustachian tube works in patients with enlarged throat mangles, polyps in the nose,Central ear infectionsand cold diseases are not correct. It sucks liquid from the ear trumpet through the pressure rising in the paukene cavity, which restricts the pressure compensation and causes an overpressure. If the pressure cannot be compensated for for for more than three months, one speaks of chronic paukene casting.
Yes but the collection is in the head and not so directly at the ear
Where exactly?
I got it now. Cystoide mucous membrane swelling of the throats and low liquid collection in the mastoid right, DD aeration tube.
where the liquid is located
I didn’t notice that the exact evaluation is only in two days
Yes, the doctor has experience. So stop Googlen and wait for the HNO appointment.