Flüssigkeiten im Aufgabegepäck eurowings?


wie man im Titel lesen kann ist meine Frage ob ich die flüssigkeiten, die nicht in meinen 1L Beutel passen auch in mein extra Aufgabe Gepäck (23kg) tun darf.

ich fliege mit Eurowings nach Spanien, falls das relevant ist

ich habe auf Social Media gesehen, dass das einige machen, ohne Konsiquenzen etc.

ist das erlaubt? kann ich das machen?

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8 months ago

Liquids up to the weight limit without limits in the feed bag, so yes.

8 months ago

In the task baggage it is allowed and has no consequences!

8 months ago
Reply to  Celine2608471

You don’t have to read this. Because the limits of liquids in the hand baggage were introduced because a tourist wanted to burn the bud during the flight. How’s anyone going to get in the cargo hold on a flight?

There are restrictions for HANDGEPÄCK. That’s what it says. If what is forbidden, the other thing that has not been named is allowed. Point.

If you know that you are not allowed to beat or kill people in the public, do you need an extra paragraph to ask them about the way? No, no.

Also, you can trust me… professional flyers for 30 years and with every online checkin you will see all the rules automatically. You just need to read it through instead of just clicking on WEITER.

In addition, it has been common knowledge for 20 years and is now asked 10x a day.