Flüssiggummi für Abriebschutz bei Kletterhandschuhen?
Servus, ich bin viel im Alpenraum unterwegs und gehe gerne auf Felsen Klettern. Jetzt hab ich mir ein paar Lederhandschuhe gekauft und gemerkt, dass selbst dieseb relativ leicht Schäden davontragen.
Mein Gedanke: Könnte man sich nicht einen kleinen Bottich Flüssigkgummi kaufen und die Fingerpitzen der Handschuhe reintunken und somit verstärken? So kann man die Haltbarkeit und Insulation kostengünstig erweitern jederzeit wieder neu auftragen. Inspiriert ist die Idee von Flex-Tape und den günstigen Baumarkthandschuhen.
Frage an euch: Hat damit schon jemand Erfahrung gemacht / weiß ob das ohne Probleme klappen könnte?
As someone who climbs around rocks relatively frequently in the Alps, the first question is: Why actually leather gloves?
Not badly meant. For ski-alpinism, I also have a pair of leather gloves (BD Tour). But if I do high-speeds up to beyond the 4000 m in the summer, if any gloves, I’ll wear those flex construction gloves you mentioned by default. (Of course I have a pair of thicker finger gloves and a pair of walk-aways for the serious case, for example a weather break or an unplanned overnight stay).
But generally you don’t need gloves for climbing on the rock. The absolute standard is climbing with naked fingers.
Your idea is life-threatening.
a good price-performance ratio offer the garden gloves from aldi from the last year.
Two for 2,99.
good fit, pleasant wear and the coating is amazingly robust. the pattern and colors are easy to get used, but it’s not about to look.
or you buy gloves with heel or goat leather.
I’m talking more about crawling in winter on up to 2500m high mountains. No alpine rock climbing on steep walls with rope. I mean rock contact in a steep terrain with sharp limestone rocks.
In addition, your gloves have exactly the material I want to do on mine, so I just don’t understand your statement. 😅 It provides more grip and protects my good gloves from holes. In principle, I wanted to ask whether this would be possible and feasible.
How is it life-threatening?
I just see the answer. So in winter to the 3rd Difficulty should hold leather gloves for a long time, because you don’t have to catch big loads with your hands anyway. At least my BD Tour has certainly already held four seasons very intensive ski-alpinism.