Flugzeuge in Russland?
Ich habe heute paar mal Flightradar24 angesehen und dabei ist mir aufgefallen, dass es permanent Flüge aus größeren russischen Städten von und nach Sochi gibt bzw. gab. Was ich daran sehr merkwürdig fand, dass alle diese Flugzeuge auf den Bermudas registriert waren.
Weiß jemand, was das bedeuten könnte?
This is completely normal: A large part of the Russian airliners are registered in the Bermudas for tax reasons, and partly also in Ireland.
Here more info about this
Thank you very much, unfortunately I didn’t think in this direction, because it was years ago that Russia wanted to ban it. And the Bermudas would never have come to my mind.
Yes, this should be prohibited (also in my linked article), which was planned on 2023.
If similar reasons, as well as a large part of the trade ships, are not registered where the carriers are reported but in any overseas territories.
If war is, then all information is false and misleading to confuse the opponent. So what you saw isn’t true.
But it corresponds to reality and also has no deeper meaning, but has to do only with costs – see here.
Wasted me with the garbage