Flugzeug Jumpseat Passagier?
Meine Klasse (11.) fliegen Juni 2018 nach Barcelona mit RyanAir meine Frage ist, eigentlich ist es ja seit den ganzen Unfällen strenger eingeführt wurden das man als Passagier nicht mehr so leicht in Cockpit kommt. Aber ich bin total interessiert dort einmal mit fliegen zu können. Wisst ihr vielleicht wie meine Chancen stehen auf dem Jumpseat mitzufliegen? Und wie ich am besten nachfragen könnte? Mich würden echt hilfreiche antworten freuen. Wenn ich es irgendwie schaffen würde würde echt mein Kindheitstraum wahrwerden!! :/
Ask the crew! Who else could allow or deny you access?
The EU-OPS 1 clearly states in its paragraph
“1.100 – Access to the cockpit
(a) An operator shall ensure that, in addition to a flight crew member assigned to the flight, no person is admitted to the cockpit or is transported in the cockpit, unless:
1. this person is a servant,
Two. that person is a representative of the authorities responsible for the authorisation, licensing or verification, and the entry of the cockpit is necessary for the performance of his duties; or
3. it shall be permitted in accordance with the operating manual and the transport shall be carried out in accordance with the specifications in the operating manual.
However, because of your question, I assume that you are not part of the listed group of persons – and what is in the BHB of Ryanair, we do not know.
(b) The commander shall ensure that:
1) in the interest of safety of access to the cockpit does not cause any deflection and/or disturbances during the performance of the flight; and
2) all persons carried in the cockpit are familiar with the respective safety procedures.
(c) The final decision on access to the cockpit is the commander.”
Whatever is said here doesn’t matter.
You can buy a real simulator flight from Jochen Schweizer. Real seats, real cockpit. Otherwise things are closed! Also for you…
I was allowed to push buttons in there as a child and with pilot instruction even during the flight…
But the times are over.
To be honest, I think the chances are very bad! I was lucky to be allowed to fly but only because I knew the pilot and because he took responsibility for me!
I hardly think that a strange pilot puts his job on the game for you! Questions cost nothing but it is very unlikely!!!
But a simulator flight is a cool thing – but what he explains to you is just there for you…
I think the chances are very low during the flight.
But you can ask for a flight if you can go to the cockpit 🙂
With a letter!