Flugzeiten-WTD 61?
Hallo , kennt jemand da draußen zufällig die Flugzeiten bzw eine Zeit wo an der Fliegerhorst Manching viel Verkehr ist?
Hallo , kennt jemand da draußen zufällig die Flugzeiten bzw eine Zeit wo an der Fliegerhorst Manching viel Verkehr ist?
Hallo Leute, Ein Päckchen für mich aus den USA hängt seit 6 Wochen am Frankfurter Flughafen fest. Zumindest besagt das die USPS Sendungsverfolgung! An wen muss ich mich wenden, damit es zu einer Prüfung und zeitnahen Zustellung kommt ? Danke für euren Rat!
Ich fliege im Sommer in Urlaub und nehme jeden Tag ein bestimmtes Medikament was meine Eltern eigentlich nicht wollen (ich nehme es ohne das sie es wissen) also nicht irgendwie Drogen 😀 ein normales Medikament! Wenn ich am Flughafen bin wird ja logischerweise mein Handgepäck kontrolliert. Gucken die da persönlich rein und holen alles raus…
Hallo, Ich möchte gerne Flugbegleiterin werden, aber ich möchte nur Kurz- oder Mittelstrecke fliegen und am Ende des Tages wieder im Heimatflughafen landen. Bieten die Airlines solche Modelle an. MUSS jeder Langstrecken fliegen? Danke
Reicht das wirklich aus??? Es gab eine flugänderung von 3st nach 1std 55. Es ist eine Pauschalreise. Ich fliege mit korea air von frankfurt nach seoul und dann weiter nach phuket. Was gibt es da zu beachten, wird das Gepäck durchgecheckt weil beides korea air ist. Und was wird passieren, wenn der nach seoul verspätung…
hallo leute ! ich mach nächstes jahr ein auslandsjahr in Kanada das Problem ist der flug ich hab schreckliche angst vorm Fliegen ausserdem wird mir jedes mal richtig schlecht! da ich auch noch alleine Fliegen muss ohne meine Eltern weiss ich überhaupt nicht mehr was ich machen soll … habt ihr vielleicht tipps die mir…
Laut Google ist der Preis nicht besonders günstig, aber ich finde leider nichts billigeres?
Usually under the week and with a clear view and blue sky, most air traffic takes place there. On Sundays and holidays and Saturdays, there are hardly any flying movements and the worse the weather is, the less the probability that you will see aircraft starting or landing there.
This should be different every day, but you can’t take a picture there anyway.
Why can’t you photograph outside the military security? Where is that?
You seem to have massive problems with understanding texts. Otherwise, you would have understood that it is all about the flyer.
It is certainly not possible to photograph the flyer and the starting aircraft
Thanks for teaching Mr. Moralapostel. And I’m really sorry that as a civilian pilot working abroad, I don’t know everything about the German air force and its rules on photos.
Never mind. But I admitted you had more idea about this. Where’s your problem?
Oh, so it’s inappropriate if I correct false answers from you? You should inform yourself first before you answer, because then I don’t have to correct you. I understand that you can’t be a specialist in any subject, but then you could at least read yourself into the subject before you answer. With just a few clicks you can find a wealth of information on the Internet today.
Nothing. Then we can rest in the future. I will no longer respond to your inestimable comments. If you have a question, maybe.
I’m 65 and I haven’t been flying commercial for 5 years. And now?
I’m 23 years older than you say. How old are you?
How can it be that you have already been subject to conscription in 2004 if you were 14 years old?
Oh? I was on a gymnasium. And in the year 2004 there was a lot of conscription. You as an ex-millitarian should know that.
Why? Neither am I nor are you a pilot.
No. But as you would say, “this knowledge is not relevant to me as a linear pilot”
Why were you with the Bundeswehr for two months? Have you been released again when you realized that you had accidentally taken a 14-year-old real student? In addition, the conscription is currently suspended.
The question is not about Dubai, but about a military security area in Germany and here German legal standards apply. Is that so difficult to understand?
It goes without saying that a camera can be put to the fence. Where does it say you can’t? I don’t think you can read and understand legal standards.
Well, I guess you’re better informed. You’ll be arrested here in dubai if you run planespotting at the DXB. It’s not sweat.
I was with the BW for two months.
Yeah. WHAT ARE DARUM OB YOU WITH A CAMERA ON THE CAST. You really have massive problems with understanding texts. It’s not for intelligence. Rather for the opposite.
I’m afraid I’m gonna have to be on your scabby sometimes if you keep telling so much nonsense. The forum here is called “Good Question” and not “Sweak answers”. That is why you should only answer questions that you can answer and at least have some idea of their topic. Since you are obviously not a soldier, nor have you any idea of flying, your answers and comments on the subject of flying and military occasionally need to be corrected by us professionals.
It goes without saying that you are allowed to take photographs of the flyer and starting aircraft. You seem to have problems with understanding the ban on photography within military security areas or have never dealt with the relevant legal standards. The prohibition applies only to military security and military aircraft.
Of course, you can photograph in Wunstorf outside the military security area. What classmate told you this nonsense that it was forbidden there?
Oh? So in Wunstorf you can’t just take pictures. That’s what we’re talking about. Not civilians. Now listen to me to go back to the counter.
You realize you never served as a teenager. Photographing is prohibited only in certain security areas of the military facility. Outside the military security area, you can of course photograph. If you mean, as a layman, that you are not allowed to photograph military aircraft, then link the relevant legal norm.