Flugverspätung Ausgleichzahlung keine EU airline?

Man bekommt ja laut EU recht ab 3 Stunden Verspätung eine Ausgleichszahlung.

wie ist das aber wenn die Airline (Pegasus) nicht in der EU ist? aber der zielort ist aber in der EU (Berlin)

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2 years ago

Excerpt from the European Passenger Rights Regulation:

Article 3


(1) This Regulation shall apply:

(a) for passengers arriving at airports in the territory of a Member State subject to the provisions of the Treaty;

where the operating air carrier is an air carrier of the Community, for passengers arriving from an airport in a third country to an airport in the territory of a Member State subject to the provisions of the Treaty, unless they have received counter- or compensatory and support services in that third country.

Pegasus Airlines is not a Community air carrier. Thus, there are no objections here, as the flight appears to have occurred in a third country.

2 years ago

It counts the destination or departure and when the airline winds and has excuses, go to http://www.advocatur.de

I already enslaved them:

2018: EUR 1,200

2019: 2.400 EUR

2022: EUR 1,200

2 years ago
Reply to  BenjaminSisko

It counts the destination or departure location

For air carriers located outside the EU and the EEA, only the departure point, but not the destination point. It only works for air carriers based in the EU or the EEA.

2 years ago

Departure Berlin- Ankara with Pegasus compensation claim when the TBM is met. Let’s say they’re filled then you’ll get a compensation. Even though it is not in the EU.

According to this, it is asked whether there is compensation in the case of a reverse case construction. The answer is no, because Pegasus does not have its seat in the EU. It is questionable, however, whether Turkish law is taking place. The