Flugpreis minus No-Show Gebühren zurück?
Servus Leute
Man bekommt den Flugpreis wenn man nicht erscheint schon wieder zurück, minus eben die No-Show Gebühren, oder?
Servus Leute
Man bekommt den Flugpreis wenn man nicht erscheint schon wieder zurück, minus eben die No-Show Gebühren, oder?
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It’s like you’re buying a diner and then don’t eat… you don’t have to get back to Dönermann after a few hours and ask for your money back. But you bought something and whether you use it or not, is your own thing.
No, the ticket price is not back, just because you decided
that you do not want to use the purchased ticket. The revenues are
if you don’t even unsubscribe, the airline will also have the opportunity to sell the space in the plane to another customer.
And last but not least, you agreed to a promotion agreement that explicitly stated that the ticket price is not refunded. Why should the airline now deviate from this?
The only thing that the airline has to do is to refund the airport fees and taxes it has charged with. How candycake22 already wrote: This is not worth it.
digga why should otherwise give the no show fees
Because when a passenger doesn’t show up for boarding, airlines usually try to find this passenger. It may be called out several times, if necessary it will be maintained… You don’t know you won’t come.
Why wouldn’t that cost?
And as I said, if you had canceled at least a few days before, you might have forgiven the seat to someone else. This is no longer possible when you find that you will probably no longer show up.
No, why would you get the flight price back? It’s not the airline’s fault if you don’t show up. Only the taxes you can get back, which is also a fight, and the airlines like to ask for processing fee for it, so that it does not actually count.
why should pay extra fees if they have no further effort
Don’t ask me. But I can tell you that, for example, Ryanair requires a flat-rate fee. So chances are good that you won’t get out. I was.
there is no show fee. Depending on the booking class, you will get the price back from 0-100%
you have to fight. by yourself, there’s nothing going on, and that can take time.