Airport meaning of blue and green lines in advance?
What do the different lines at the airport, or more specifically on the apron, actually mean?
Here, for example, is a green line—what does it mean? Does it have multiple meanings?
And what are blue lines good for?
Is there perhaps an online PDF list that clearly summarizes everything?
Questions upon questions – who can answer them for me?
Thank you in advance and best regards
from your inti1
different colors of the roll line are used when a guideline is unclearly divided and no new named taxiway emerges therefrom.
It’s clearer and less misunderstanding.
Here you should find some more information: and payment terms/directives/de/c2-9-vo-v1-0-b.pdf/_jcr_content/renditions/original.media_file.download_attachment.file/c2-9-vo-v1-0-b.pdf
These are taxiways, so routes for planes to get from and to the runway. The instruction of Groundcontrol can therefore be: “Follow the green taxiway”
Are there many green guidelines?
And what do the blue lines mean?
Either the same, or it marks a line where a message has to be delivered or stopped.
I don’t know these lines from my professional environment.
Cool job 👍
I’ll add a supplement to my question where I saw these lines.
I was an aircraft leader, now in retirement, I don’t know these lines from my practice.
What do you do if I can ask?
Blue lines mark device storage areas I’ve heard – do you know if that’s true?
Landmarking (airfield) – Wikipedia
What do you mean?
I was on Wikipedia, but that didn’t help me much more…
Click on the blue underlaid things, there’s a lot to explain.
Moreover, these markings are international.
Unfortunately not what I want to know 😉 😀
Is there an international guide I can look at?
The individual taxiways can be separated again. Take Cologne/Bonn (CGN/EDDK) as an example. In front of Terminal 2 on the apron lead to all parking positions 3 parallel taxiways. Name this one by one would be really complicated. Therefore they have been divided into red, yellow and blue and all have the name “M”. It’s easy to say, “Taxi via red Mike and Alpha 7”. The crew recognizes which is meant.
Not at most airports. There are probably various rolling paths to different runways and terminals.