Fluggesellschaft verklagen?
Hallo. Nehmen wir an ich fliege in den urlaub und mein Gepäck kommt nicht mit Und ich muss mir dann für die Zeit neue Sachen kaufen (Zahnbürste, Kleidung, usw). Kann ich dann von der Fluggesellschaft verlangen mir das Geld zu erstatten?
As a rule, you do not have to sue the airline because there are already very clearly defined processes for filing the invoices.
That’s not true. If you were, you would have to sue the airport to you. The airline cannot do anything to load a suitcase into the wrong plane
The request shall be addressed to the interpreter of the journey;) DIE can then clarify this in the background with the airports. An end customer does not have to
Probably you’d have to sue the airport where you flew off. The airline can’t do anything to load your suitcase into the wrong plane
If you are a standard procedure, go without complaint by simply adding the costs to the airline.