Flugbegleiterin auswahlverfahren?
Hey ihr Lieben,
ich hoffe, ihr könnt mir weiterhelfen. Schon lange träume ich davon, Flugbegleiterin zu werden, aber seit drei Monaten finde ich keine offenen Stellen. Arbeitet hier vielleicht jemand als Flugbegleiterin bei der Lufthansa und kann mir genauere Infos geben? Ich weiss, dass es ein Auswahlverfahren gibt, bei dem man sich bewirbt und wenn man genommen wird, mit der Schulung startet. Allerdings habe ich keine Ahnung, wann diese Auswahlverfahren beginnen. Leider finde ich dazu auch nichts im Internet.
Kann mir jemand weiterhelfen und mich darüber aufklären? Ich wäre euch da wirklich dankbar!
I’ve been working at LH for over 30 years. The grade that I have fortunately today will not reach a new colleague ever again. The profession still has its appeal, even though flying has become a little glamorous mass product. In addition, one must honestly admit that it will be physically absolutely impossible… even in ten or thirty years…. to keep flying on an order of magnitude of today’s global air traffic alone by eFuels.
But we want to become 100% climate-neutral until XYZ. You should expect that in vain it will not go differently than to reduce aviation to a feasible time in the ecologically acceptable sense. In this context, I would recommend first of all to complete a reasonable recognized vocational training. If it gets tough, the CO2 tax will have to regulate, so the ticket price.
Correct, currently no FB is set. This has been the case in the past, in every crisis. And then it was mostly flotted, and it was set again, faster than everyone thought to see Corona again. Why don’t you just sit on the side of the marker that you’ll be notified as soon as it goes back.
But there are many new colleagues looking for all kinds of ground services through airports and airlines, and there is nothing to do about it, for example, with a training as an air traffic controller or with a support service, Weight and Balance, Animal Center, OPS, Crew Scheduling etc…
Thank you for your answer. I have already completed a vocational training as a saleswoman for office management and before that I did my degree.
The Lufthansa brand will disappear, and more and more connections will become EUROWINGS re-flaged.
You should also be aware that the biggest airline in Europe is RyanAir.
Absolute nonsense, the core brand stands and remains standing. The Group is growing, especially with ITA from Italy and increasing participation, i.e. a takeover. It is always better to work with LH Classic than with one of our cheaper daughters, because there are lower fares. Rent, KFZ and food doesn’t pay for the good luck of being allowed to drink tomato juice, right? Correct, if LH doesn’t set, then it’s always better to try to wait elsewhere than ever.
Greetings from the Airliner
Of course, the group is growing, but on the planes Eurowings stands on it and not Lufthansa. Also ITA from Italy, there are certainly not the painters and paint a crane on it.
You have addressed exactly the problem, the customer is only willing to pay a certain price. For me as a passenger, it doesn’t matter if Piotr from Poland sits in the cockpit or Peter from Germany. I’m just flying economy, what do I need enie stewardess when there are nihcts to eat.
The head of a Danish union once said: “we have defeated us to death.”
Neither Carsten Spohr nor I as a researcher likes air missiles that are only at striken.
Take a deep breath and relax.
Everyone needs enough money in the bag to live adequately and the Arabs have been dumping on the long run.
Also, please remember, the boarding service is only the 2nd of a flight attendant. Her first application must be, thank God, only very rarely exercised and this is the evacuation of the aeroplane and this should not be done with hungry stomach.
But the executives in the near past were satisfied with 2.5 million a year and now need over 11 million, no matter what and no customer thinks where the money may come from.
If you want to become a flight attendant, you should not only set yourself up on Lufthansa – otherwise you may wait forever for an open place.
See also Eurowings, Discover Airlines, Condor or international airlines. Many offer similar conditions, partly even better. Emirates or Qatar, RyanAir are almost always looking, and if you have no problem with a move, you can start there quickly.
Lufthansa is setting up irregularly, so it is worth checking the career pages regularly. But the more flexible you are, the faster you can start. Well, you better apply broadly than wait forever!