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3 years ago

I flew the first time with 24 because I had panic fear of flying. I already got panick attacks at the airport. so bad that I didn’t want to get in at the end, until my man really dragged me in.

my tip to you: fast! a great fear of me was that was breaking, and an empty one calmed me.

herbal tranquilizers! I used to be a little sooner and they have.. well, let’s say we worked very well.

try to sit in the ground! a great fear of me was feared.

the flyer can be removed with the time. the time will come to you forever. the first time he feels an eternality back and forth. you will notice when it comes. then you hear the turbines. when this starts, try to tighten your bubble as long as possible and “to press” until the trailer is lifted. that prevents this “flupp” in the skin. In addition, this distracts well from the fear. make it until you feel safe. that can take up to 2-3 minutes. the pilot must first turn left and right. that makes you nervous.

last but not least: chewing gum! that prevents the pressure in the ears.

one thing I promise you: as soon as the flyer is up, it is really very pleasant. turbulent feels like a somewhat wilder bus ride. so not bad at all.

my own experience; I’ve still got to fly in front and use all these tricks today. but at the end it is always the same: human. so shclimm was not at all;)

3 years ago

Lis and follow the tips. Your biggest mistake, as with almost all: always push out nicely and don’t think about it until it’s close to it and then panic. I’m sure that’s not how to deal with phobia. There’s almost no way out. Start the next flight, the return flight, earlier! Nice vacation anyway.

3 years ago

Car driving is more dangerous. When you drive with your parents on the highway, the chance VIEL is higher to make a deadly accident. I’d rather be afraid to drive than fly

3 years ago
Reply to  G2neo

Phobias are irrational. To prescribe logical reasons is pointless.