Book flight ticket online?

Hello, I would like to book a flight ticket online.

Will I get the boarding passes (tickets) sent to my home or only online in my email account?

Because I would like something tangible, like cards and all that 🙂

Thanks in advance for help 🙂

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2 years ago

So I’ll get this by email. There’s a QR code in there. I can print it either and show them at the airport or just show the email. They just have to scan the QR code. You just have to verify with ID that you are.

2 years ago

You get a booking code, no more.

Tickets are only available at the online check-in or check-in at the airport.

2 years ago

You get either everything digitally or just a digital booking confirmation. Then you go to check-in with ID or passport and get your paper.