Flug stornieren bei Ryanair. Warum geht das nicht (einfach)?
Hallo allerseits. Ich musste vor knapp 2 Wochen krankheitsbedingt eine Reise canceln, habe aber eine Reiserücktrittsversicherung und dachte mir genau deshalb hat man die ja. Blöderweise wollen die (ADAC) jetzt aber eine Stornierungsbestätigung vom Fluganbieter Ryanair, da sonst kein Geld. Nach Google-Recherche hieß es schlichtweg: Man kann nicht stornieren, man tritt die Reise einfach nicht an PUNKT. Tatsächlich? Gibt es für solche Fälle kein Protokoll. Ich meine, die Fluggesellschaften müssen doch wissen wer letztlich an Bord ist und wer nicht. Läßt sich doch ganz einfach durch die gescannten Tickets herausfinden. Könnt ihr mir dabei helfen? DANKE!!
This is on the side of Ryanair:
In case of flight delay or cancellation, you can request a confirmation of the insurance in PDF format.Contact us hereThis will be sent to the e-mail address you have given when you book.
And here we ask for
Thank you Andreas! Try this and hope it works.
Unfortunately, this is the case with almost all low cost airlines. You don’t have to try that first. Not more than
That could work.
Unfug. You can cancel any airline, including Ryanair. And what to do with Flightright when you cancel your flight?
You show me you’re a real professional.
With cheap airlines, it is much more difficult to get back his money. And NO it is NOT possible for any airline.
You better be quiet, you realize you have no idea. And flightright you can always try.
No, cancel always goes. Ryanair even has an online form. And yet, it is possible with every airline. That’s a duty.
You’re doing quite unpopular with your pretty overheared character.
What are the shots?
prior to arrival, you have a medical certificate at your travel cancellation insurance u. Airline filed? Yes, then they pay. No – then there is no cent. you should have notified and confirmed this cancellation.
or was it just an excuse
What do you mean? Clear me up. I have a medical certificate on the day of departure. I then agreed with the travel insurer ADAC and should submit it to the package. I only missed that with Ryanair and I hope I will get my money back. It’s been 10 days.
*to get a medical certificate from the doctor. ;
Okay, I see. Therefore, Ryanair can only pay for dead/witwen, but I’m talking about ADAC. And they seem to be enough. At least that was so suggested by the nice service employee.
Thank you, Peter.
and a medical certificate tells WAS about inability to fly? right nix. what was the disease? a slight sniff? had to be
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