Flug nach Los Angeles, direkt oder mit Umstieg buchen?

Wie bereits oben erwähnt fliege ich nach Los Angeles. Ich war dort bereits und bin das letzte Mal umgestiegen. Der Umstieg war kein Problem, er war nur super stressig.

Ich bin hin-und hergerissen, da ich nicht weiß, ob ich diesmal direkt oder wieder mit Umstieg buchen soll. Was ist das schlimmste, was mir beim Umstieg passieren kann? Der Umstiegsflug ist halt eben günstiger, die Reisezeit “nur” 3 Stunden länger. Andererseits ist ein Direktflug vermutlich deutlich entspannter, man steigt ein und am Zielflughafen aus.

Ich weiß einfach nicht, welche Alternative ich buchen soll. Lieber Geld sparen und umsteigen oder den bequemeren Weg wählen? Vor diesem Umstieg habe ich irgendwie Angst, keine Ahnung weshalb.

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1 year ago

As you have to travel through immigration at the airport, I always feel such transfer flights to the USA as stressful and avoid something like that. Therefore, if the budget is allowed to fly directly.

1 year ago

You need to know it yourself.

If you move to the USA, then all the entrances/immigration, passport control etc. must take place there when you change, then you take the baggage from the band, go through the inch and immediately afterwards there is another band where you put the bag with the same label what’s on it again.

And if there’s delay in flight 1 and you’re missing flight 2, you’ll be rebooked to the next available flight. If there are snow chaos or anything else that catastrophes and all the hotels are full, of course, it can be that you have to camp at the airport and don’t care about it, because with tens of thousands of stranded people all are overwhelmed by how to understand.

Must know what’s more important to you. If it is not just deep winter with change in a snow-prone area, then the risk is acceptable. Finally, make millions of people every day.

1 year ago

A transition flight always involves the risk that you miss your connecting flight – for whatever reason! in South Africa – because of a heavy storm, the machine could only start with hours of delay – and my connecting flight was obviously gone!

1 year ago

This is a decision you have to make yourself. If it’s very hard, throw a coin. 🙂

1 year ago

I like to get around and look at the airports. So I’d be more interested in a changeover flight.

Sure, it’s quicker.

1 year ago

I’d book the direct flight.

1 year ago

The worst thing that can happen when changing is that either the delivery flight is delayed or you are stopped at the airport (e.g. additional security checks.) And by that you missed your flight. I recommend a direct flight. There’s little going wrong. Many hubs in Europe are a disaster to change.

Frankfurt, for example.

Even if a moving flight(about Amsterdam probably or?) is cheaper, so is KLM/ Air France is pretty lazy about repayments to customers. Or you’ll be killed, but then it can be that the next flight available for you will only go in 2 days, etc.

As a pilot, I’ve heard the most recent stories, which is why I always recommend direct flights in Europe.

Conclusion: I’d take the direct flight.

Hope I could help you. 👨 ✈️👋

1 year ago
Reply to  hallihallo738

Sure. As I said I recommend direct flights but you have to decide