Flug als Mitarbeiter weiterverkaufen illegal oder nicht?

Folgendes ich arbeite bei einer Airline im Servicecenter und wir Mitarbeiter bekommen 50% Rabatt auf Flüge 1 mal im Jahr.

mein Ziel wird leider nicht angeflogen also dachte ich mir ich nutze das für mein Vorteil aus.

Ich bin ja nur anmelder, also nehmen wir an ich hab ein Käufer gefunden dem sag ich ich biete ihren 1500€ Flug für 1200€ an, er sagt ok und aufgrund meines Mitarbeiterrabattes kostet der Flug dann 750€ heißt der Rest kommt in meine Tasche.

wäre das irgendwie illegal oder nicht?

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2 years ago

It is certain that you can only book such flights for you and not sell them further in your contract or in the “Subscriptions”.

2 years ago

You’re going to get out of this fast for scam, so quickly you can’t watch!

2 years ago
Reply to  NurDichA

You’re fucking the company. That you have to ask yourself “why”…impressing how naive Some people are.

So you think it’s normal to put you profit from an employee discount in your own pocket? That’s in your eyeball problem?

Geil, find out and tell me how it went. I want to read more

2 years ago

For me, this is very clear fraud and market manipulation..some theft…otherwise, customers in the EU need to clarify what they pay and how the bill comes together. Would you like to explain that?

2 years ago
Reply to  NurDichA

Sure. And then you’re still inside yourself. That’s what they call fraud.

2 years ago

You can talk about that. It remains fraud and is punishable. Ready.

2 years ago

Yes you see that it is fraud (even if only on the customer). Your company will also have it. They’re pretty statements. You’re pulling out paying customers. A nausea

2 years ago

I think you can’t sell these flights to third parties if your job is important, just ask the company.

2 years ago

You know exactly why you don’t ask your employer! vulnerability

2 years ago
Reply to  NurDichA

The answer will definitely be “no”