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The two cities are very different. Florence is a rather prosperous city that has a lot of art and culture to offer and with extreme mass tourism. Naples has very poor neighborhoods and bags and other small delicacies are on the agenda. Tourists, of course, avoid these neighborhoods as much as possible. There are many original and interesting buildings and places there.
When mother wanted to visit Naples with her girlfriend without a male companion, a police car stopped. When the POolizists learned that two female older ladies without a man wanted to visit the city, they took themselves free to serve as protection. The same happened to mother in the region of Naples more often. Mother was historically very interested and amazingly fearless.
The surrounding area of Naples offers a lot, so Mother was also there, after the death of Father, to look at many of these places worth seeing. She liked the island of Ischia especially well. Of course we did before, as a father still lived Pompeii, Herculaneum, the Phlärean fields, Vesuv etc. also already looked at us.
Somehow I didn’t feel comfortable in Naples. But the environment is very beautiful and diverse for me. I think about Capri, Ischia, Sorrent, Pompeii and the Amalfi Coast.
I used to be in Naples and didn’t find the city so exciting. I therefore assume that Florence is more beautiful.
Florence is much more beautiful. Full of art and culture from all eras. Fair town and Tuscany.
I find Florence.
And there’s David say hello