Flixtrain auf welchem Gleis?
ich habe gerade zum ersten Mal ein Zugticket mit Flixtrain gebucht. Nun wundert mich aber, dass man nirgends eine Info findet auf welchem Gleis der Zug fährt. Auf dem Ticket/Fahrplan steht nur die Uhrzeit, die Zugkennung und der Abfahrtsbahnhof.
Hat da jemand Erfahrung und kann mir sagen wo ich rausfinde auf welchem Gleis der Zug fahren wird? (Ja, ich weiß am Bahnhof gibt es dafür Anzeigetafeln, aber ich bin jemand der sich gerne vorbereitet und nicht erst am Bahnhof anfängt zu suchen).
About DB Travel Guide should be able to find out after specifying the departure station, date and departure time.
Just tried it with a few trains of the line you mentioned for Hanover Hbf and Cologne Hbf, and there the track details are displayed (which of course does not exclude short-term changes).
The plan of the BHF can also be seen online, and if there is nothing there, the track will be assigned at short notice, which you can see when you arrive at the BHF. Isn’t that how many times do you get? Relax. It’s enough to be on the BHF 15 minutes before.
Flixxtrain, by the way, uses ancient wagons without air conditioning, in summer with heat always very tasty in the wagons at 50 degrees. Have fun.
It’s a long distance. I’m always afraid to miss the train/aircraft because what comes in between or you can’t find the entry. 😀
At the prices, I’m expecting that. The bad thing is more: I usually pay 5 times the price for the DB and the conditions are often so miserable.
Since Flixtrain does not know which track is assigned by the network operator/station operator (DB) on the day of departure, they cannot tell you that beforehand.
But it’s enough to see the place at the station. Isn’t a search, you see which track is displayed and just go there. The descent board is already at the entrance.
Thank you. I have been used by other trains that all trains (also foreign trains) always use the same tracks and that is why (up to short-term changes) is always clear months before where you have to go.
Flixtrain is “competence” and we are somewhat “mobbed” by the DB accordingly. But no German railway station is so large that you are not in clearly under 5 minutes from the display board on the track. So everything’s not a problem.
There is nothing to prepare, the track can change at short notice. Just go to the station in time.
You will see what the train stands on and there is still a message
Do you always calculate the price in the supermarket at the checkout before being well prepared, or are you waiting for what the checkout shows? It’s really not that bad to look at the display board at the station.
When shopping, I don’t have to worry that I might need a minute longer. There’s no such train waiting, there’s always something in between. Therefore: stupid note.
It is enough if you are five minutes before departure of the train to inform you about the downhill track.