
Hi , was haltet ihr eigentlich von Flixbus?

Ich war heute zum erstenmal mit Flixbus unterwegs muss sagen . Ich bin überhaupt nicht glücklich gewesen , die Mitarbeiter sprechen kein English oder Deutsch somit habe ich die nicht verstanden was die zu erst von mir wollte , aber dann sollte ich 15 Euro draufzahlen für Gepäck und dann war kaum noch Platz im Gepäckraum meine Tasche hat fast nicht reingepasst und drinne war es natürlich nicht besser .

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2 years ago

Honestly, I have never been in one, but I have always put this on my side as a cheap backup plan if I have to go further away and (for whatever reason) don’t drive by car.

I’ve only heard good before.

2 years ago

I’ve only been driving 1 in Germany. friendly bus driver who spoke German. bus was occupied to 10%, so had free choice. no problems for baggage.

2 years ago

I would say that my experiences are rather “growing”. Since 2014, every year, drive 1-4 times with the bus. Since there is almost only Flixbus, the service at Flixbus has become worse. There is no more standard with the vehicles used and many drivers are not powerful in the German language.In my last trips everything was “in” .From clean bus with friendly drivers to tight dirty box with unfriendly drivers. So it’s a bit of luck, which bus partners you get. But for the price……….the quality at Flixbus is unfortunately very different. It depends on which bus partner drives. There does not seem to be a uniform standard as in the past with Postbus and Berlinliniebus.Leider are no longer given the respective lines due to the numerous bus partners. Many reputable German bus companies have concluded cooperation in the meantime.

2 years ago

I don’t like it, but I don’t like it.

2 years ago

you get what you pay.