Flight Simulator (FSX) A320 Probleme ?
MOIN ich habe mir letztens ein A320 addon gekauft und habe jetzt das Problem wenn ich mit dem Flugzeug starten will das die Treibwerke keinen schub geben und das ausehr die PFD alle Bildschirme an sind und ich kriege sie auch nicht an!! bitte HILFE!!!
(1. Only applies if it is the A320 of Aerosoft, you forgot this information!)
1: Congratulations on acquiring the most expensive inferior addon in the whole Flusi scene!
2: An exclamation mark is actually sufficient to end a statement. You don’t need two or three of them. It would be much more helpful to leave the superfluous phrases away, and to insert them again elsewhere where they are needed.
3: As it looks like me on the picture, you do not execute the FSX as an administrator. This means that the addon cannot work at all.
what is missing from the A320 of Aerosoft … I know that the 737ngx of PMDG is better but since funz not even the checklists on the display (have kp as it is at boeing)
What do you mean? ECL sparks at the 777, there is no 737. You shouldn’t pamper what’s not available. In addition, I have often mentioned enough why the Aeroschrott-Airbus is a waste case….
If you want to know more precisely, we can do this for private….
I just need to send a friendship request.
So, not to say it again:
So, in advance: I know that Aerosoft thought of the A320 as a “beginner plane”, which is why they have dispensed with complexity. It should be said that beginners are not stupid. My first plane was the PMDG 737, at that time for 40€ on Ebay. The biggest problem I had at the time was the FMC, and this is the biggest problem among beginners. After several readings of the attached instructions and a few trying, this problem was no longer there. I would appreciate it if there is a simple and advanced mode at the A320 in the FMC. For example, a step by step input could be a great option. You didn’t do that because it was work. Instead, one simply took the Airbus, a FMC that doesn’t really work well, and puts it as the “ultimative beginner plane”. That would be the first. All I’m counting is certainly not due to “simple” but to “totally misprogrammed, but you can market it” But first the positive: The Airbus looks very good. The displays and also the external model are as in reality, making the Airbus a super screenshot flyer. Unfortunately, we already get to the negative: there is nothing behind the great scenery. Outside hui inside pfui. The displays are illogical, the flight behavior is similar to a cabinet with engines, failures are missing completely, the frame rate is bad, the start time of the APU is unrealistic, the FMC has problems and the flight behavior in the autopilot resembles a toddler sitting on the side stick. I’m sure there’s more, but I can’t list everything. To the individual points:
1: The flight behaviour is similar to a cabinet with engines:
2: the frame rate is bad:
The frame rate is above the PMDG 737. Great for the first time, but considering which system depth of the Airbus has, the frame rate would have to be over 60. In addition, the frame rate falls sharply in heavy situations (where much power is required), but only for a fraction of a second, in short, it lies. In the PMDG 737, the frame rate is continuously lower, but in such situations the frame rate remains stable, so that the FPS is low, but this is easy to play because there is no break-in.
3: the FMC has problems:
I keep hearing that the FMC is not serviceable, then it is serviceable, but it only mixes around, the route that calculates the FMC (LNAV and VNAV) are weak, wind is, as far as I know, completely ignored…
4: Autopilot resembles a toddler sitting on the sidestick
The autopilot is very strange when approaching. Sometimes the Airbus can approach an ILS, sometimes not. Then it goes back and forth, but it’s not on the runway. The Airbus is good for people looking at the FSX as a game. That’s enough if you can give gas and can brake, and it should look good. However, if you look at the FSX as a simulator and want to “play as real as it gets” the Airbus is completely out of place. In addition, the 40€ is too expensive. I’d have a bad conscience, I’d ask 10 for it. And beginners do not need a product that does not work, and is unrealistic, but a product that works, but is kept somewhat simpler. Or you just grab to the PMDG, you do.
I would probably have more time, but I hope that’s enough. Questions 🙂
You can push it with a joystick that also has a push lever. Or you’re holding the F4 button all the time, which unfortunately makes no sense. The one with the board instruments can be that you set something wrong in the overhead panel. I’m afraid I don’t know how you did the settings before. Hope I could help you even if I couldn’t give you many tips Sry:(
I have not hired anything that is so from the beginning
Which addon is it?
By Aerosoft Airbus A320/A321 for the FSX
Do you know how to start the Cold and Dark plane? If no, look at tutorials on YouTube!
Which a320 is that
I guess the Aerosoft Airbus x
watch yt videos like you start the ding or watch the checklists