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The Flight readiness of the Federal Ministry of Defence conducts the flights of the Federal Government.
All pilots and even the flight attendants there are soldiers, with a very normal military training.
And no he is not the best pilot in Germany, it is not because it is not always the same pilot or Copilot is. Yes, the Chancellor does not even fly with the same type of aircraft.
Good evening,
Federal Chancellor and Federal President (also other federal ministers and, for example, the President of the Bundestag) travel briefly under the “Flightfulness of the Federal Ministry of Defence”: FlBschftBMVg, which in turn falls under the German air force, i.e. is subordinate to the Air Force Command and belongs to the Bundeswehr.
Thus, all pilots flying the Chancellor belong to the Bundeswehr.
The “best pilot in Germany” isn’t cancelled, but you can assume that only the best will fly.
Have a nice Sunday night!
Oh, according to the other answer, I’m wrong, apparently false information – sorry!
The members of the willingness to fly to the Chancellor and other members of the government are quite normal members of the Bundeswehr.
There are always various pilots flying the machines.
Gottseidank has been able to replace some Uralt machines that have made more and more technical problems, e.g. the Canadair Challenger and the Airbus A310 (partly still from GDR interflight stocks) with more modern patterns.
I suspect that the training of airborne pilots on the Airbus aircraft takes place at Deutsche Lufthansa, as well as maintenance. You need a type approval (I hope the name is true).
There’s no best list on planes. How do you know? Do you want them to compete against each other in competition?
The Chancellor is flew by the Air Force. The Air Force belongs to the Bundeswehr and thus the pilots are soldiers. They have a training as a soldier and are trained as pilots of my knowledge at Lufthansa for the aircraft types.