Fliegen und buchen mit Ausweis?
Hey ich hab eine Frage da ich in 5 Wochen fliege und den Flug buchen muss
kann ich das auch mit einem vorläufigen Ausweis mein richtiger Ausweis kommt erst in 2-4 Wochen
und falls er nicht rechtzeitig da ist kann ich auch mit dem vorläufigen Fliegen ? Es geht in die Türkei die sind ja ausgetreten aus der Eu
If you only flee in 5 weeks, you already have your new ID card and it will be enough if you are a German citizen.
the Foreign Office writes:
In the past, there have also been problems when entering the preliminary identity card, so that entry cannot be recommended.
Since they have never been in the Eu anyway, they cannot escape. They don’t want to have anyone, just as little as anyone wants to leave there. It’s enough to have an ID.
Turkey has never been in the EU!
The identity card is sufficient for Turkey.
and booking flights with the preliminary ? And, if necessary, travel is not going?
I’ve never booked a flight with an ID card. But I only book in the travel agency and not on the Internet.
does not recommend that you check in with the document which has been booked.