Fliegen – muss man Angst haben?

Hi liebe Community, ich werde mit meiner Familie in den Sommerferien in die Türkei fliegen. Sieht auf den Bildern seht toll aus, aber man muss ja fliegen. Dies ist mein 1. Flug, daher kenne ich so was nicht. Schonmal Danke für die Antworten

LG Lulu

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2 years ago

The chance to get out of your front door is bigger.

It’s best to inform you about flight trips, how to prepare and what to do if you’re insecure.

Besides, starting from the airport, you will get so many new impressions that this will distract you pretty much.

2 years ago

They’re all coming down…

Consider how many flights take place daily and how often there are accidents – the plane is already a very safe means of transport, in any case far safer than a car, but there is never absolute safety.

2 years ago

Fear must be from stairs, from dogs, alcohol, cigarettes, spouses, cycling.

All these things cause thousands of serious injuries and premature deaths every year.

2 years ago

No, you don’t have to be afraid of flying. For comparison: If you’re sitting in the car or staying at home in the apartment, you’re probably not always afraid that something bad could happen. Well, you’re safer in the plane. So there is less reason to be afraid of flying than to be afraid of a stay at home.

But fear is not necessarily logical and rational. Some fears come without reason.

For example, it’s perfectly normal to have some fear of things you don’t know. You don’t know flying, so you’re scared. That’s okay.

The thing is that fear is very well mentally influential. This is because people in special situations can suddenly do fear-free things that they would be really afraid of. But unfortunately, this is also the opposite: if you are mentally already in advance to be afraid of the flight, then you will also be afraid. Whether it’s really scary.

That is why: Don’t think in advance that flying could scare you. The more you think about it, the more this case will happen.

Accept that it’s something you don’t know yet. That much for you will be new and uninhabited. That such a plane looks different, sounds different, feels different than a car or coach. Maybe there’s a sound you can’t set up. That the plane does a movement you don’t know.

It’s all normal: it’s just new to you and you’re not used to it.

But even if something happens that doesn’t make you realize that this is good now, you should be aware that the plane is with the safest means of transport in the world. And it is extremely unlikely that the unknown is unwell.