fliegen mit ner 737-800 hatte schon beim hinflug damit angst. Diesmal denke ich das es was schlimmes werden kann. Ausserdem sind boeings (737-800) so oft abgestrürzt auch neulich 2020 mit insgesammt 389 todesofpfern

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3 years ago

First time: In 2020 two are 737-800 crashed, with together 22 dead. Both times the problem was not on the plane, but the pilots wanted to land in weather conditions that were outside the safety parameters. And in Iran, a Ukrainian 737-800 “foreign” was shot off from the air defense, which one can’t really call an accident.

What you mean is the 737 MAX, a newer version with certain aerodynamic and software features that the 737-800 does not have.

Second: Yes, something bad can happen. Always can! It can also be that you’re lying at home on your sofa, watching a movie and suddenly experiencing a heart arrest. By the way, this is much more likely than experiencing a plane crash.

2 years ago
Reply to  RedPanther

Yeah, it was the 737 MAX.

3 years ago

I think you mean the 737 MAX where there were problems with the software. It’s already overhauled and there’s nothing to happen.

Are you driving?

In 70 years Between 1945 and 2015, civil aviation World 3.018 aircraft crash – worldwide. In contrast, 2.397.080 traffic accidents alone in Germany in the calendar year 2014. At 302.039 of these accidents, persons were injured

The chance to evacuate a traffic accident is 1:15,000, but the likelihood of a plane crash is only1:30 million. For comparison: The chance of a six in the lottery is 1:140 million.

(Link: https://www.xn--flge-1ra.de/ratgeber/infografik-safee Verkehrsmittel-wie-safe-ist-flies/ )

You see, it’s extremely unlikely to die in a plane accident. And 737-800 I have flew more often (relatively ugly plane I find).

3 years ago
Reply to  Gelbwurst1995

Because you were expecting 2014, there was only in Germany about. 3,100 traffic deaths, of which about 900 motorcyclists. In the same year there were about 250 flight accident deaths…WORLDWIT

3 years ago
Reply to  HALO77HALO

It’s funny that many motorcyclists still don’t think about themselves and hardly a person is afraid of driving a car, but flight fear is quite common.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gelbwurst1995

737-800 is used by TUI. And she also bought the 737 MAX.

3 years ago

Well, that’s the weird thing about such phobias, you can’t get them as good as ever with logical arguments. Show my wife a spider (and I don’t talk about a taretula or similar), there breaks every world record in sprinting….lol

3 years ago

Don’t go crazy and don’t think about it. It’s much more likely that you’ll die in a car accident.

I flew from Oslo to Amsterdam the last time in 2015. Flying is a kind of hate love for me. On the one hand, I also have a crash docus in my head, I say, respect for it. On the other hand, I love it, especially the moment when the aircraft is on the runway, the turbines go to full thrust and blow up completely and you are pushed into the seat. I like the start most, before landing I have the most shot. I’ve seen quite a rough landing approach before, the pilot has let the plane crash several times at a height of 1000m. It wasn’t nice.

I had a pretty bad feeling when flying from Oslo, it almost felt like a bad premonition, so what would happen. I prayed that if something would happen, it should be painless. But since I can write this, nothing happened. It was all good and even the flight with the most perfect landing that I have experienced in my few flights so far.

It’ll be okay, I’m sure. Don’t go crazy like I said, don’t make your head and try to enjoy it.

3 years ago

The 737 crashed were model 737MAX, not 737-800 (NG).

And all 737MAX flying in the EU have already received the new software update.

If you really don’t mean the MAX series, it’s ancient 737-100/200 that fly in any far-away countries with lowest air safety regulations (Indonesia)

It’s more obvious to die on the way to the airport, please don’t be afraid.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mrks1

Why is it more likely to die on the way? After all, the return trip is also a “Hinfahrt” for the pilot.

3 years ago
Reply to  Algengruetze

Because it’s more likely to die in car traffic than in air traffic.

3 years ago
Reply to  Algengruetze

WTF!? Do not theorize

3 years ago

I misunderstood the answer it was meant to get back.

3 years ago

Don’t worry, statistically, it’s much more probable that you’ll die on your way to the airport or on your way from the airport at home when you’re in a plane.

Because every crash will be examined at the very best and the investigators will always give a recommendation to the airlines, airports and aircraft manufacturers, such as such a crash in the future, which makes the whole more and more secure for the passengers.

In 2018, there were good 38 million flights worldwide and only 15 of them are supported with a death order, i.e. only 0.000039473684211% of the flights.

3 years ago

The Boeing 737-800 is one of the safest and reliable Airplanes in the world!

Which airline are you flying back?


3 years ago
Reply to  Gmail827

Turkish Airlines is not comparable to airlines like Deutsche Lufthansa in terms of security, that should be clear.

If you’re afraid of flying, stop reading here!

The Jacdec air accident office publishes a security ranking of the world’s largest airlines every year.

Last year, Turkish Airlines only reached 92 out of 100 (Link).

Lufthansa reached 56, Condor 52 and Eurowings even 24 (year 2020).

You have to evaluate the proportionality personally – I don’t have a problem with them. If anything happens, you can’t do anything about it anyway.

The chance of something happening, however, is only extremely small to not existent, so don’t worry!

Have fun!

3 years ago

Either you crash and you’re dead then you don’t feel it anymore and you don’t care

and if you don’t crash, you survived and can look forward to

it can’t go badly.

3 years ago

This isn’t happening. Lg

3 years ago

A plane crash is like a lottery win in bad luck. Planes are one of the safest means of transport.

3 years ago

If you don’t flee over Kabul, you can feel certain.