Flexticket ICE?


ich habe mir ein Flexticket für den ICE gebucht. Habe ich das richtig verstanden, dass ich da nicht an den gebuchten ICE gebunden bin, sondern auch einen anderen ICE nehmen kann, also zum Beispiel einen später?


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9 months ago

Look at your ticket. There is a timely validity (e.g. also on the following day). And the route you need to take, for example KA*S*M for Karlsruhe, Stuttgart, Munich. If you have an ICE ticket, you can get any ICE and trains down to RB or similar. take trains from other providers.

In doubt, the track on Bahn.de will be recalculated. If there is no partial price, it is ok – except e.g. BWtarif also includes buses, which are normal at most in the city ticket.

What’s wrong?

  • Without repurchased reservation a reservation fee. Use the train.
  • Trains that do not capture the ticket. Flixtrain and night trains.

Your passenger rights refer to the connection where you get to the first train of the connection and try to get to the destination quickly. You can also take breaks, but that doesn’t count as a connection in the sense of passenger rights.


9 months ago

You can take every train on the day of the trip, apart from Flix.