Fleischtheke bei EDEKA ab 15:00h geschlossen?
In einem EDEKA Markt konnte ich das Schild lesen: “Fleischtheke ab 15:00h wegen Personalmangel geschlossen!”. Warum schließt ein EDEKA Markt, der bis 20:00h geöffnet hat seine Fleischbedienungstheke wegen Personalmangel, obwohl doch eigentlich genügend Personal bis 20:00h im Markt beschäftigt ist?
I’ve seen a lot more recently. You just need additional staff you don’t have.
Probably because he doesn’t have enough staff for the meat counter to leave them open until 8:00.
Funny, they didn’t want to hire either.
Possibly, this is only a previous bottleneck. Maybe it’s not worth it either. How should I know what problems the market in question has?
Jup, everyone wants to buy 24/7, but hardly anyone is ready to limit his private and love life very strongly.
Our own marketing concept now applies to us☝️😅
Unfortunately, it looks so in many areas, sometimes look where this leads.
You don’t want to hire anyone for the counter? I would take the bet smoothly, good people are now looking everywhere. Hand on it.
The reason is on the shield. And now in the summer time everyone has a vacation, so bottlenecks are bridged. Alternatively, other overtime would have to be postponed.
This will be new reality in the best Germany ever. Many don’t want to make their hands dirty anymore. An Edeka in the neighboring town is closing its back counter at 1 pm on several days a week, the customers have set themselves on it. Volunteers before !
I called there and I was informed about the sign. They told me on the phone, “We don’t currently hire any personnel, even for the counter area!” After the question, but you are supposed to have a lack of personnel in the meat counters, they simply set up.
Oha, then the subject is likely to be passing by 3:00. Maybe it’s just day-by-day because someone else got sick. Who knows. Generally, the service counters are most thinly occupied. And without a health certificate, someone can’t even help out of the store.
In the next days, the EDEKA – concept of “flexible counters” will go through the media.
The first specialist magazine has just been colported in the industry.
You seem to save where you can. Only prices for consumers are becoming more and more expensive. Is it smelling?
(Return) full inflation time… . You like to pay less to the employees, but not for less skilled (rightly).
So they say: Okay, people, the we have available, we have to pay what at least: necessary. But more want nich pay, so the kitchen (well, theke) stays cold from 3 p.m. What does it mean that you don’t want to hire any extra people.
Yes, because I was informed by phone that no staff will be hired.
The butchers in the Edeka market are independent and have their own specialists. The bottle in the market is rented.
Because the required staff cannot be present. I don’t think a meat vendor is the same as other employees.
For the meat counters you already need appropriate training and, for example, a health certificate that normal sellers or helpers do not have in business.
The teaching according to §§ 42 and 43 IfSG has been behind everyone who works in the food trade.
Because the meat and sausage counter can only be operated by one or more meat specialist sellers. A training job that can’t even be done by the colleague from the cashier.
Because the necessary personnel are missing.
And now the meat counter does not go
… but they didn’t want to hire one.
Think about it because it’s short?
You can’t let everyone mutilate the meat.
What do you want to tell me?
You can’t use any help on the meat counter in case of a lack of personnel, you should have something on it professionally.
…and vegetarians should not be necessarily
Very simple – because not every employee of a supermarket has long been suitable for the service behind a meat counter
Then they should hire enough specialists and not close the bulkheads at 15:00h.
Great tip.
due to lack of personnel ...
means that there is no suitable staff on the labour market.
I called there and asked if the staff needed for the meat counter.
Bro pushes mies hasskicks on edeka 💀
No, I’m more like the ChillOut type.